Yum and Yum-Yum

One of the great things about being involved in a community garden is everyone wants to share. It seems we're always being offered plants or seeds or some fresh produce. Well, Ms. Sweet Bessie gave us a bunch of collard greens from her garden. SCORE! So guess what we had for dinner?

Collard green wraps with avocado, carrots, sweet onions, red bell peppers and a lentil "meat." With all the other goodies the lentil mixture didn't taste so "green" but we might try doing something different with the mixture part next time. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every.single.bite. To go along with the wraps we had
sweet sesame dipping sauce inspired by The Daily Raw, which was delicioso! I omitted the cilantro since we didn't have any (I wouldn't eat it anyway but hubby would've liked it in his) and used white sesame seeds instead of black (didn't have any of those either). She also has a recipe for a peanut dipping sauce that I want to try next time. You know it's gotta be good.

For dessert, we had the Daily Raw's chocolate pudding, which I've blogged about before here. I love this stuff!

Have a great week!


Isle Dance said…
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!!! :o)
Leora said…
I love using collards as a wrap. You make it even yummier with your great photographic eye. Eye candy?
Anonymous said…
How sweet that others are sharing their bounty! That looks lovely and oh, soooooo yummy! I should have had breakfast this morning before looking at raw blogs. ;-)

Lots of love to you!

Candice Davis said…
It's so cool that the garden really is a little interactive community. I continue to look on in envy! :-)
Anonymous said…
I just found you and am oh so very glad I did! I know I will learn tons from you! Hope your day is lovely! Big smiles (the LB)
That pudding looks great! I've tried a similar recipe before w/o the water in it. The recipe also called for coconut oil, cinnamon and an extra avocado.
I'm going to a potluck style meal this Sunday and I was thinking of what dessert to bring...this just might be it!
Lauren said…
That pudding looks great! I am going to have to make it!
sarabethxvx said…
Hi! thanks for the comment. I made some coconut ice cream yesterday and it is taking every single ounce of my will power to not go eat it all right now. I may loose this battle...
RisibleGirl said…
I've never had collard greens. What would you compare the taste to?

Your wrap looks great (and so does the way you photographed it- you have a GREAT eye, sis!)
Beautiful and TASTY! Yum Yum!
sarabethxvx said…
I am going to write the company about the pickles, if I find out they are raw I am going to buy two jars, one to eat entirely in one day, and one to save ;)
And yeah I just sprinkle/pour ny on every "pasta", "scramble", and creamy soup I eat. yum!
Carrie Nicole said…
I really need to make that pudding already, what a great way to satisfy my craving for sweets!
Michelle said…
Hey Heidi, your dinner sounds fabulous!! You know, thanks because i haven't made the chocolate pudding in a long time, so tomorrow is avocodo shopping for me and pudding making as well!!! It is quite yummy!!
Sarah said…
I've never had collards! Are they similar to kale? Those look delicious. :)

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