My Current Fave

I'm sure we all have mile long lists of food faves consisting of some staple items and some depending on the season. To add to my list of fun things I add sugar snap peas. I normally don't eat these or haven't in a very long time but lately, uh yeah! Good stuff!

We just got back from Costco where we picked up a couple bags of pesticide-free sugar snap peas. I ate 1/3 of the bag as soon as we got home!

CORRECTION: these are preservative-free. Thanks hubby!

This was my dinner for tonight. Mmmm...some fresh roma tomatoes peppered and snap peas and a side of balsamic dipping sauce that hubby made. Super good and very filling.

A one cup serving provides 1/3 of your daily value of vitamin C and 3 grams fiber. Peas are in the legume family and are rich in protein and low in fat. They are also a great source of vitamin K. You can view more info here and here.

Now excuse while I go snap up some more peas. YUM!


yardsnacker said…
Awesome pic babe! Oh and btw, they actually read preservative free, meaning they weren't sprayed with a sulfate like everything else there. So it's the lesser of two evils I suppose! They were scrunchious however! Hey I just made a new word! :D

xo Hubbie
Lauren said…
Looks good!! I love raw tomatoes with salt and pepper on top!
badash said…
your dinner looks DELISH. I will have to try it. I don't recall ever eating sugar snap peas, but i'm sure i have.

You turn me on to many good foods, my friend!
badash said…
Oh and p.s.

you know how i said i've never seen young coconuts in nashville?

well, i was looking for KALE the other day and they dont ahve it.... isnt that RIDICULOUS!!!!!
sarabethxvx said…
hey! looks great! I am getting some snap peas in my spud order this week and I was just wondering if you would give me your sauce recipe???
Michelle said…
Hi teacher, thanks again for a good lesson on peas and stuff!!! I'm loving your photos! I think that looks like an awesome dinner! Light yet very nutricious and colorful too!!! :O)
Sarah said…
The kids and I love them too! Esp the super sweet kind! :-) It's fun to pop all the peas out and eat them all at once!
Anonymous said…
ohhh yum, I get those same peas from Costco when I'm home. They are good! If you like peas you should try sprouting mung beans, they taste just like fresh young peas when they are first sprouted.
Colleen Miller said…
Oh, I'll have to go to Costco now! This looks like a delicious dinner. I'd love that sauce recipe it looks divine!
Anonymous said…
I had about a month when I was eating them all the time and loving them! Now, however, they aren't looking as fresh in the co-op, so I haven't been getting as many. I love them, though! Yum!

Your plate of food looks so vibrant!

Lots of love to you!

Candice Davis said…
There was a time when that dinner would've been no more than an appetizer for me. I would've been looking for a sandwich or something to go with it! I love that Raw food let's us dine so simply and with such flavor!

¡Buen provecho!
Isle Dance said…
Oh YUM. LOVE sugar snap peas and I'm so happy you can get a boatload at Costco. What a special yummy dinner this is, for sure!!! :o)

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