
Happy Birthday Isle Dance!


Isle Dance said…
Oh! My! GOSH! I am SO touched, my dear! (I get to say stuff like that, now that I'm 40! LOL!) Lots of (((((hugs))))) to you! And can I just say, how very deeply I appreciate your presence, every single day?! There is a sense of kind safety that you convey to the world. With every single post. It's a very special thing and it means so much. To everyone who passes by, I'm sure. It means the world to me, to have accidentally stumbled upon the blessing that you are. I am so happy you took the blogging plunge and placed your kind heart out into the world. We need you! To keep being you! Lots and Lots of Love, ID :o)
Eleanor said…
And thank you for my birthday greeting which I picked up at Silver Bell cottage. Nice to find your tasty and healthy blog. Those collard wraps look amazing. Eleanor
Anonymous said…
The flax seeds are whole.

Carrie Nicole said…
Happy B-day Isle Dance!!

Ditto to your sentiments about Rosie, she's a doll ain't she?

Hugs to you both!
HiHoRosie said…
And to all of you, thank you for your sweet words. You guys are the reason I enjoy blogging and making new friends. I genuinely love reading your blogs and being a small part of your world.
Isle Dance said…
Thank you ((so)) much, LolaBloom! Oh yes...you are ((both)) dolls!!! Hee. Lots of hugs right back at you! :o)

HiHo - We are so blessed that you are here with us!!!! Lots of love to you, Chickie!!!:o)
badash said…
where do you buy YOUNG coconuts???

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