K-y’all-ard Greens

So some of “y’all” were wondering about collard greens when I mentioned them in an earlier post. What do they taste like? And are they similar to kale?

Well, kids. It’s time for summer school again. Yay! So sit back and read on. You will not be quizzed. More yay!

Collard greens to me have always been synonymous with Southern style cooking. I’ve never had them cooked in fact prior to my high raw journey I don’t think I had ever seen what they looked like raw so these leafy greens were completely foreign to me until last year.


Don’t remember much about them the first time I had them (sometime last fall maybe?). I take that as a sign now that it means I didn’t dislike them but I also didn’t love them. Indifferent I suppose. Now, fast forward to the other day when we had them for dinner as wraps. I loved them. I found them to be very mild and rather neutral tasting but this could be for a couple of reasons: 1) all the other veggies we stuffed them with neutralized the flavor or 2) allergies. I asked hubby what he thought they tasted like and he said kind of like broccoli. Wha??? I don’t even like raw broccoli so how could this be?! He reminded me of my allergies. My senses of smell and taste have been weak when my allergies get bad. Oh and one more reason maybe why I thought them to be mild, I SNARFED these down! Ha ha! I’m surprised I could taste anything I ate them so fast. Holey moley folks! I even lost track of how many I ate. Whoopsie!

Okay I’m allergy-free now so I grabbed a leaf. Munch munch munch…they actually remind me of a mild mustard green without the spice or similar to spinach I’d say. There is a distinct flavor but I would still classify it as fairly mild as far as most greens go. Not something I would eat by itself but as a wrap, oh yeah. So sis? Your hubby would not like these at all!

Eat these quick too. The longer they sit around the more bitter they become and you don’t want that. The smaller the leaf the more mild they’ll be also.

How about the rest of you? Have had you them? What do you think they taste like?

Cousin Kale and Health Benefits

Collards are members of the cabbage family and are closely related to kale and mustard greens. They have large, dark, smooth, green leaves. Perfect for wraps! Just cut out the big part of the rib.

The health benefits of these leafy leaves are off the charts! Want fiber? Got it. Vitamin C? Yeah that too and Vitamin A and K and folate and B6 and other cancer-fighting properties. So we’re talking helping you against cancer, heart disease, cataracts, helps your blood, your bones, your eyes, your immune system and fills your tummy.

Here’s a chart based on cooked collard greens. Amazing numbers.

Chart courtesy of WHFoods.com

Not saying you have to but if you’re interested in some summer reading you can read more about collard greens here and here since I only gave you a brief summary of the health benefits. Most websites talk about how to cook them or whatever and I don’t care if you do but if you want to reap the many health benefits collards have to offer you may not want to cook them “Southern-style” if you know what I mean. Wink.

Now, go enjoy some collard wraps or put them in a juice/smoothie or in a salad. I spotted a recipe on Rediscover Raw Food that sounds and looks yummy.

Time for recess!


Leora said…
Rosie, great post about collards. At some point, I'm going to write a post about collard wraps, because I eat them, too.

I mentioned collards to family members last week, and I was surprised to learn that some family members had no idea what they were. Well, not that surprised. One family member did associate them with Southern cooking. Another family member had come up with some way to cook spinach that sounded so unhealthy to me, but I kept my mouth shut. It was a "you're not gonna wanna hear this" moment in my brain.
Lauren said…
Thanks for all the info on Collards! I must admit I bought them a few times to use for "wraps" and wussed out and ended up juicing them instead! I am going to give them another shot next time I need them!
sarabethxvx said…
I used to hate them because I had always tried them cooked and I thought they were super bitter and salty... but then I tried making them on my own and they were great... I think people have a tendancy to oversalt them when cooking, which does NOT hide the bitter taste of old greens.
Raw they are great, mild, and vaguely broccoli like. Plus they are so sturdy they make awesome wraps. I love em
Carrie Nicole said…
I dig collards, I use em in juice as a kale alternative but mostly I use them to make veggie wraps/rolls. Yummy greens!!!
Michelle said…
Hi Teach! Another very good lesson on collards!! I've never had collard greens cooked or raw so i must try them now!! Thanks my friend!!
I like collards pretty well. I find they are mild too, which is what I like about them.
Pixy Lisa
jessica said…
good reporting teacher. thanks!
i do enjoy collard wraps too.
Carol said…
I just started adding collard greens to our smoothies two days ago. So far so good. I am starting slow mixing them with greens my body already knows (if you get my drift. ;)
Anonymous said…
Fabulous! Those leaves (and your wraps) make my mouth water. If and when I ever see some I'm definitely going to buy them. :-)
Anonymous said…
Thank for the information!

There's no shortage of collard greens here in Texas, but like you I'd never really ate them before becoming raw. They're great rapped up with a little avocado, some alfalfa srouts and carrots and peppers! MMM!

Growing up, it was weird in my family to eat anything that looked like a leaf. I didn't know what real spinach (not the seaweed looking stuff that comes in the can) looked like until I was like, 20 LOL!

can't wait to try them. With our new patio garden, we have much more room to try new things like this. Thanks

Colleen Miller said…
Interesting! Imagine how much nutrients they must have raw! It's hard to get organic collards where I live but I do love them in a wrap.
badash said…

young coconuts are my NEW FAVORITE FOOD!

like.... OMG!!!!!!!
Kristen's Raw said…
I've been juicing a lot of kale lately, but you've inspired me to add some more collards :)


badash said…
Yeah LOL bunny is a hoot
BeeARawFoodie said…
Collards are an aquired taste, like fine wine. I love the graphic. Where do you find that kind of specific information?

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