Poetry and the Bus

On my bus to and from work, I get the wonderful opportunity to read some incredible poetry submitted to Metro by their riders. Of course, I mean this somewhat sarcastically because there's so much of it that's not good or possibly too deep that I have zippo clue what they're talking about. Anyway, this stuff is legit - not things etched into seats or anything like that. Every year Metro asks its riders to submit their written poems, usually centered around a theme, for display on the buses. I have a good friend who tried submitting one once and was declined. Whatever. Hers was totally good too, unlike some of the others.

The other day I spotted a poem that really hit close to home, which I'll explain after the poem. Here it goes. Ahem.

We are the Bobbleheads
by Candace Jarrett

We sleepy bus riders have such small desires:
a window seat, the hope of no unfortunate sounds.

We drowse upright, uptight,
nod and bob next to strangers.

Here, friends would be loved and so useful.
We'd lean on them, sleep and dream we're cephalic toys for sale at Archie McPhee.

To this poem I'd add no unfortunate smells also. Ugh!

If any of you have had the luxury of taking public transportation of any sort you most likel
y can relate to this little diddy. You see people fall asleep on the bus all the time, their heads bobbing all over and sometimes their bodies sway from side to side. In fact, I fell asleep the other day and jerked myself awake! That's attractive. hee hee!

This morning a girl sat next to me and promptly fell asleep. Little did I know she considered me her friend as mentioned in the poem. She leaned on me quite bit on our ride into work. I felt like I was in a people version of bumper cars, or bowling with guards because she kept bouncing off me and her other neighbor but mostly she was leaning on me. Hey girl! Can I get you blanket? Read you a story? Sheesh. Poor girl nearly fell over when the guy next to her left. After I got off and with no one there to be her bumper I wonder if she made it to her stop without falling over. I wonder if she even woke up.

The bus is a crazy place to be sometimes.

The end.


ohmygosh! Its been years since I rode a bus. I am from such a small town that no buses are here, they don't even pass through or make a stop here (grayhound, etc)
I had forgotten how creepy that must be. poor rosie

Anonymous said…
Public transport where I live generally involves people with tch-tch-tch iPod music in their ears. Previously though, in other countries, I used to wonder at people who would sit looking glum each day as they inched closer and closer to their jobs...
sarabethxvx said…
haha, all true! The awful poetry, the unfortunate neighbor that wants to sleep on you... ahh metro, how I loathe you!
Anonymous said…
I think buses are incredibly inspiring for writers. :-)

Lots of love to you,

Lauren said…
LOL! To funny. I have not rode the bus in a while, but I have had similar things happen on the train. :)
badash said…
I LOVE watching people asleep on busses!!! heads bobbing! i love it!


yeah i chopped my hair right before summer... donated it to cancer. Decided they needed it more than me.

Truth is, I was growing it out to get dreadlocks. Then my parents wouldnt let me...


i will definitely keep my blog posted on the comps. Last year I got 1st at every comp i entered except nationals. (but at least i made it! and i made finals at nationals!) and one other comp i got 2nd (i was completely bummed) but it wasnt my home gym so i wasnt used to the style of climbs, and the girl who beat me was...

i have a lot to live up to this season. People expect a lot from me.

This year I am going into the competitions with more sponsors than i've ever had, so they are going to expect things... i really hope its my best year yet, and i hope i can prove that raw foods POWER ME UP!

Tomorrow there is a small local climbing comp at my gym. The bad things about local comps is that girls and guys arent split up>>> I am an advanced FEMALE climber, which is much different than an advanced male. But i still have to compete with the guys. I still try my hardest though, but local comps don't really count for anything anyways.

ABS (American Bouldering Series) is the USA climbing comps... so im psyched on those!!!
Isle Dance said…
You are brave. :o)
Anonymous said…
Haha, cute and funny poem. Ive always been baffled by people who can do that, there are people who fall asleep on th subway all the time and I always wonder how on earth they know when to wake up!! Crazyyy. Thanks for the post by the way:) It's good to be missed. I'm back in action now, mwahhhaaaa be prepaired:)
Michelle said…
HAHA!!! Brings back memories of sitting on the train going to work and a, hmmm shall i say rather hefty gentleman kept doing the bob on and off my shoulder, it really freaked me out because not only was he snoring he was also sweating profusely!! I'm pretty sure i got up from that seat and stood the rest of the way!!! :O)

I'm just saying!!!
badash said…

rent it or buy it.

But let me warn you ahead of time:

-the movie is kind of materialistic. Take the IDEA from it and put it towards other things (like goals and things) the movie was made for the average american, materialistic and all...

-it kind of has some corny examples... again, its the IDEA of it that matters.

-I hope it changes your life like it did mine!!!
Carrie Nicole said…
Oh it's been ages since I've had the pleasure. Have looked into it recently since I have a park-n-ride a block from my house and thought I could hitch a quick ride to work... 90 minutes and 3 buses later from Everett to Bothell tho just wasn't beating my 30 min drive!!

I could tell you some fantastic subway stories from my childhood in Brooklyn tho.... let's just say at least the seats are usually dry on the buses here!
Anonymous said…
When I lived in Boston I sometimes rode Boston's Chinatown bus to New York's Chinatown and back. Depending on traffic and if it was an express bus or not, I could count on a 3-4 hour ride. I sometime fell asleep (unless I was busy chatting with the person next to me) but was always conscious of using others as human pillows.
I've never had the 'pleasure' of public transit.... but it seems to be good for the writer's mind! Maybe they should bring back shoulder pads, so people have little pillows to rest their weary creative heads!
Sarah said…
Okay - but the WORST, is when you DROOL while you're bobbling.
BeeARawFoodie said…
Bob Bob Bob- Bob Bob Barbra Ann! I love sleeping on busses. Its an exercise in societal trust and pushing barriers just... to... see. I have an impeccable internal alarm clock too. Never yet missed a stop. These dogged souls trust you. And poetry is never bad, it is only esoteric thoughts struggling for context, vocabulary & form. Aren't we all. I'd much rather have days of too much poetry thrown at me than too many statistics in my day. Here's a boarding pass toast to public transit and the luxury of sharing space and time with complete strangers. In today's age, rubbing shoulders or sitting next to a complete stranger is a veritable smorgasboard of Humanity. What luxury busses afford us!
RisibleGirl said…
My favorite is the face twitching that goes on when people are asleep. Remember the guy I photographed who was asleep with his fly open?

Oh the possibilities for blog fodder are endless when you ride public transportation!

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