Breakin’ a sweat

As most of you know the Raw Fu challenge starts Friday. Woo hoo! In four days. In my earlier post I mentioned that besides going all raw for the challenge (or at the very least, being 100% vegan) that I would also incorporate exercise. Not usually my favorite thing to do but I need to workout.

My plan is to workout 4-5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes (requirement: have to break a sweat) and then taking weekends off to do whatever. Since the Raw Fu challenge starts on a Friday I decided to start my exercise commitment today.

I don’t have any set plan to do this or to do that for my routine but I’ll do whatever depending on the weather or availability of equipment. So today, I opted to stay indoors and use the treadmill. This is usually my first choice when working out in the exercise facility.

I got a little gung-ho at first that my pace was a little too brisk! I slowed things down a little so I don’t end up like this guy (warning: there is swearing in it):

With my whole exercise routine, I have to start out somewhat slow since I’m not in shape. I mean I’m not exactly ready to climb Mt. Everest but more like the bunny hill. I just wanted to make sure I was getting an adequate workout and breaking a sweat so I kept a fairly brisk pace (controllable) and steeper incline to get movin.

As I was working out, things were fine. I didn’t feel sick from toxins being stirred up nor was I huffin n’ puffin but just felt kinda blah or bored with what I was doing. Interestingly enough though, at the 30 minute mark was when things really started to go great. I fell into a comfortable flow and ended up working out for about 45 minutes. Not too shabby.

Before I left for my workout I made sure I had some fresh watermelon cut up chillin in the fridge for when I return. The perfect refreshingly sweet treat for hydrating.

Well, I managed one day of exercise so far. Now, the challenge is to keep it up…maybe invest in the Wii Fit too.


Isle Dance said…
YaaHoo for you!!!!! You are so brave and courageous to do this. I am so impressed. With that special support system of you and your hubby, you two are so very blessed. I'm cheering you on, my dear!!!!!
Kristen's Raw said…
Whoo hoo!!! You go girl! You can do it and keep it up :)

Your watermelon looks delish.
Lauren said…
Good job! I am glad you didn't turn out like that guy in the that was really funny, but scary too since I use my treadmill just about everyday! :)

Watermelon also helps replenish electrolytes so keep it up! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Wow now I feel like a scary motivational football coach or something. :)
Anonymous said…
You go girl!!! I need to get back working out too!!!

Michelle said…
WOOHOO!! 45 friggin minutes of exercise is awesome!!! Please keep up the good work! Today i ran 6 miles! Somedays i just can!! Somedays, i just can't! You will learn to listen to your body, it will guide you!!

Oh my f--kin god dude!!! Priceless!!!! LOL!
sarabethxvx said…
haha, yeah I need a wii fit I think... Then I would never have to leave the house. If you ever want to go for a short hike sometime let me know... I don't drive but perhaps we can meet somewhere?
You Go Girl!
mmmm watermelon. mmmm
maybe I should have some of that right now. Just recovering from my hour-long walk/run. now I want to sleep. is that ok?

Way to Go Lady!! You so inspire me!! And your watermelon looked delicious too! I bet it tasted great!

That video was hilarious! Apparently god was too busy doing somethin else to be of much help!
P.S. All that exercise after leg cramps! How do your calves feel??
Autumn said…
Yeah, once I get started I don't like to stop either. It gets really enjoyable after a little warm up!
badash said…
LOL, that video is HILARIOUS!

good job on the 45 minute walk. Good for you!

honestly, i hate cardio. (especially running)

but good luck with your workouts/exercising! I'm proud!
Carrie Nicole said…
Oooooh, Wii Fit! I keep hearing about it and am more and more intrigued. Would be a fun thing to mix it up at least especially on those lovely rainy days!

My 30+ minutes per day for the challenge will be walking the dogs + any other working out I decide to do, I'm getting to the gym about 3 days per week right now so feeling I'm in a good groove. I'm all about taking it easy though right now because even the stairs make me huff-n-puff. Hopefully after the 100 days I'll be a cardio-fit-mama!!

Emily Jayne said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Give my recipes a try - they're mostly pretty easy. Congrats on the 100% raw goal. That's incredible. I have been 100% two times at length, but have stuggled with my health and providing meals for my non-raw family. Good luck!
sarabethxvx said…
ok, when you get a chance let me know what your schedule is like and we will try to go hiking. That would be great!
Sarah said…
Oh that bowl of watermelon looks so good. I'm proud of you for making fitness one of your challenge goals! Pixy Lisa just about has me convinced to sign up too. I'll prob see you there soon!
Yum! Watermelon after a workout is AWESOME.
Congrats on your fitness goals. It's a good thing to shoot for in the challenge.
Pixy Lisa
BeeARawFoodie said…
Wii Fit.
I love how clever it sounds like what WE need. Like a little kid excitedly saying "We fit! We fit!!" Its a hit in nursing homes and elder care facilities. No lie. If you want another technological fitness challenge is trying DDR (Dance Dance Revolution).

Don't fuss about Mt Everest or the bunny hill. In the end the race is already Great. And in the end it is only with yourself.

Enjoy the chillin watermelon. Bless refrigerators. Such a divine gift. Refrigerators and air conditioners. Ahhhhh!

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