Afterschool (or work) Snack

Oh yeah, forgot school's out but you get my drift.

I’m sure many of you are familiar with Carmella of the Sunny Raw Kitchen. I mean, seriously, how could you not be? Her creations are nothing short of amazing and I practically drool every time I visit her blog, which is often. Daily even! Anyway, one of her recent posts was a recipe for chocolate chip cookies.

Your eyes do not deceive. I truly said Chocolate.Chip.Cookies!!!!!!!!!!! (I know it’s a little excessive with the ! but they’re appropriate believe me.)

These cookies are so good that I made them twice in less than a week. And I think I ate most of them.

Before I go further, I should point out this isn't a Carmella-original but one she featured on her blog. I thank her for it as I don't always get around to the various forums as much as I'd like.

I followed some of the adjustments she and others made (noted on her post) to the recipe such as cutting the amount of coconut oil in half. The first time I made these I used strictly coconut oil and the second time I decreased the oil a little bit and made up for it by adding in some coconut butter for a little more richness. Not that it needed it. This is one of those recipes you just can’t go wrong.

For the chocolate chips I used raw cacao paste, chopped into small chunks. Because the dough itself is sweet the lack of sweet in the chocolate wasn’t missed. And believe me, I’d know! One of these days for even more extra richness I’d like to make some slightly sweetened up raw choco-chips.

Here are my cookies which are now in my belly. I tried making them look like Carmella’s but not quite. Looks like I didn't process the nuts long enough either but oh well - they were d-lish anyway.

Now, go make ‘em and snack away!


yardsnacker said…
You know I love Carmella's blog! And those cookies! HEY! I never even saw them....jk! :P
Hey those cookies look amazing. I'm not sure I will get around to making them. Can I come over and have some of yours?
PS. The gardening post below is cool. Glad you guys are so pumped about it all.
Lauren said…
Chocolate Chip... MY FAVORITE KIND OF COOKIE!!! Mmm.. I am craving me some!!!! ..Drooool
Michelle said…
Heidi, these cookies look really yummy! Chocolate chip are my very favorite! Thanks for posting this and your photo looks fabulous!!
Carrie Nicole said…
Ok, I need to run out asap and get some cashew flour!!! I NEED these cookies....mmmmm!

Thanks for sharing Carmella's blog too, I hadn't yet come across it and I really like it! AND I'm happy to see she lives in BC (I'm counting that as our area bc there seems to be so few of us around here!)
Isle Dance said…
LOVE them! WANT them! LOL that they are in YOUR belly! MINE is jealous!!!! :o)
been out of town, not near a computer to read and comment. those look yummy
RisibleGirl said…
Those look really good, but again- TOO DARNED MUCH WORK!


I'm glad that I've finally become sick of chocolate. I thought that phase would never end.

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