Meme: Brought to You By the Numbers 3 and 4

I snagged this from my SIL’s blog. It looked harmless enough until it caused me to think! ;)

Four things I'm looking forward to this year:

*Going to the chapel to see my nephew and his fiancée get married! (that line doesn't work into a song like I had hoped)
*Harvesting our garden
*Visiting family out of state
*Seeing my sister!

Four joys in my life:
*My family
*Photography (new hobby as of late)
*Making new friends

Four movies I've watched more than once or twice:
*The Matrix Trilogy
*V for Vendetta
*Little Miss Sunshine
*The Wedding Singer (I’m not ashamed to admit it – ha ha!)

Three fears:
*Fear of the unknown/uncertainty/instability
*Family getting hurt (same as my SIL)
*Chopping off a finger (gotta be careful with those knives!)

Four favorite foods:
*Anything with avocadoes, especially homemade guacamole
*Coocoonuts (I'm cuckoo for coocoonuts!)
*Everything else that doesn’t include foods I don’t like – cop out? Okay, how about my fave at the moment then, watermelon

Three goals I've set for myself:
*Reach the weight I was at when hubby and I first started dating
*Finish reading the book “Wicked” (it's taking me forever!)
*Organize my huge pile of papers

Four TV shows I watch:
*America’s Next Top Model
*Amazing Race
*What Not to Wear (and so many others, depending when they’re on)

Three current obssessions:

Four places I've visited:
*Tijuana (I saw a mule painted as a zebra – LOL)
*Victoria, BC
*Vancouver, BC
*Las Vegas (I really need to get out more)

Three places I'd like to visit:
*Mexico (oh whoops, that’s four – oh well – be lucky I stopped there!)

Four random facts about me:
*I’m left handed (must be in my right mind…har har har)
*I’m the youngest of four
*I like to get crafty and artsy from time to time
*Not a fan of public speaking (maybe I should’ve put that as a fear)

Four embarrassing facts:
*Learned about Ash Wednesday the hard way (foot in mouth...).
*Tripping/falling – in fact I did this at the garden the other day and yes, someone saw me! "Hey, are you okay?" Uh, yeah, just bruised my ego is all.
*This is part embarrassing and part stupidity but I cut my hand in between my fingers with scissors while cutting up a credit card. Required four stitches. Nice.

*As a teenager got caught toilet papering a cute boy’s house

People I tag:


Anonymous said…
haha! When I read your fear about getting cut, I immediately thought of that time you cut up your credit card! hahahah! I'm not laughing because you got cut... I'm laughing because... well... Annnnnyyyyywaaayyyyy! ;-) jk.

Love ya! Glad you did it!
notsomuch spellbinding, just a comment.
I cut my finger with a scissors like that once, but no stitches. OWWWW

I too am afraid of cutting my finger with knives. I used to dream about that and wake myself up. I used to daydream about that too. Just suddenly I would see myself cutting me. It always scared me.

I guess it is the thing to do when you see someone fall, call out if they are OK. But it sure is embarrassing for the faller. Still is better than everyone walking past and ignoring you.

Michelle said…
Wanna hear what i did today? I closed the car door on my index finger and then it took me literally 3 seconds to realize that i did it and open the door!! I was like, what just happened??? Finger is fine though, just a little bruised is all!!! :O)

And i'm going camping!!! Hmm, maybe i should rethink that!!

Michelle said…
Heidi, here's the thing: Karen, without reading directions put her tent together in about 4 minutes with me standing there scratching my head wondering HOW???? We have the exact same tent so i'm hoping after she does her's i can coax her over to do mine!!! Hey, either that or i will have to sleep in her tent!!! HAHA!!
RisibleGirl said…
I sure love telling the story about when you cut yourself while cutting up a credit card!

I think you'd have to work very hard to trip and fall more than I do. Don't try though....
Sarah said…
Heidi! I'm afraid of cutting my finger off too. I'm a pianist, so that is like one of my biggest fears. LOL!

I learned a lot about you in this meme! Thank you for sharing. :) You sound like a lovely person and I wish I knew you IRL!

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