Meet Pico

Isn’t he sweet and cute?

On Friday after work I drove down to the garden to meet hubby, who had biked down earlier. Being that it was the start of the weekend I figured after watering the garden we’d go do something. Plans changed immediately once I arrived and met this little guy.

When I got out of the car and started walking towards our plot I could hear a cat cry. I thought maybe I was hearing things but I slowed down to hear again. Yes, the sound I’m hearing does sound like a cat in distress so I slowly started walking in the opposite direction of our plot to follow the cry. Poor
Pico was the source of that cry. I found him lying in the grass by a fence running along the garden. He cried to me but wasn’t sure if I was friendly or not so he got ready to bolt just in case.

I slowly got near him telling him it was okay (you talk to animals too right?) and held out my hand so he could smell me. He let me pet him and boy was he instantly in love with me! I just kept telling him it was okay and scratching the top of his head (his body would then lean into my hand to get more lovin’) and while doing this I was trying to quickly spot what was wrong. At first glance he seemed fine but a kitty doesn’t nest in the grass, crying for nothing. And at this point, I didn’t even know if he was a boy or a girl.

I checked to see if it was a mama cat about to give birth but no. I didn’t see any blood or any obvious injuries so I coaxed the kitty out from behind the fence. He walked to me all the while wanting more petting. Again, couldn’t tell that anything was wrong but did discover he was a boy! He was just so friendly and sweet. I went to pick him up and that’s when I discovered he was injured. Underneath his front right leg was a gaping wound. Kinda freaked me out.

I coaxed him a little farther out in the open because holding him wasn’t an option with him but he clearly needed help. Poor kitty! He wasn’t limping or showing any other indication that he was injured when walking but I took it slow with him anyway. I just kept petting him and he just kept loving it. And he was making lots of
biscuits! He’d be great working in a bakery he was making so many. Ha ha!
I could tell his wound was a little old even though it was still open. It wasn’t bleeding and the kitty’s white fur was stained brown from old blood. Even on his chin. It was so sad to know he was owied and for who knows how long.

Hubby was on the other side of the garden, too far away for me to yell without scaring kitty and the rest of nature or other gardeners (no one was close by either). Not sure he even knew I was there yet so I waited until he looked in my direction so I could flag him down. Until then, kitty and I hung out together becoming friends because I certainly couldn’t leave him. Finally, hubby was heading towards me so I called out to him to come over. He loves kitties almost as much as I do and nearly melted when he saw kitty.

We wanted to name him. Names related to where I found him or that were related to the park or gardening weren’t very catchy or cool. He did respond once when I called him Tom but that didn’t stick. Hubby’s always wanted a cool cat named Pico so that’s what we called him. For me though, I’ve always wanted a cat named Bob. Maybe next time.

We then tried figuring out what to do since we weren’t exactly prepared for this sort of thing. How do we get him in the car and to the vet? Where is a vet? An emergency/open late one too?

Hubby talked to another fellow gardener who had a towel in his car we could use to wrap Pico in. Well, we got him in the towel but this kitty is riley and managed to get away. The gardener’s son had some catnip growing in his garden that he thought could help. Pico was intrigued by it but not interested in eating it. He just kept craving that human touch. Pet me! Pet me! Pet me PLEASE! Maybe a “help me please” mixed in. The son, super nice guy, was being a little too helpful though that Pico ran off again, seeking his hiding place. But we got him with us again but wondering how in the world we’re going to manage this. I knew we had to try.

More coaxing. What is it with cats and coaxing? Anyway, we just let him walk and follow us towards our car. We had to get as close as we could before attempting him into the car. Once we got close, we were determined to get him wrapped up. Finally we did but we had to be quick because this guy’s a fighter.

After getting in the car, hubby wasn’t sure he could keep him under control. He was afraid we’d have to let him go because it was too difficult. NO! I was afraid that if we did he wouldn’t survive. Some how some way hubby was able to hold him while we went in search of a temporary cat carrier. We did find one but it was made for a dog (the soft kind). Lame. But it would do for now. Pico seemed to like his new quarters (he sat on hubby’s lap in the carrier) because he could see out, get some air and lay down. I think he knew we were trying to help him. He also seemed to like the car ride – didn’t mind it anyway. He was very good boy.

We love this kitty! We wanted to keep Pico.

We got him to the vet where we were asked if we wanted to be financially responsible for him. Meaning, he could be our new furkid if we paid for his doctor visit. We could pick him up the next day but full payment would be expected, otherwise, he’d be shipped off to county once he was well enough. Uh…well….first things first. Did he belong to someone (it appeared he had – hubby noticed what looked like a collar “dent” in his neck fur, plus he was very friendly with people)? Was he micro chipped? If he was chipped that would answer our question for sure. We really wanted him but left with a “we’ll decide later.”

Hubby called yesterday to check up on Pico. He’s doing great! The doc was able to stitch him up and neuter him. Poor kitty! But so glad that’s been done. Knowing this visit would probably cost several hundred dollars we wondered if the doc would agree to a payment plan. We learned later that the cost of the visit was $750. Yikes! If we wanted Pico we’d have to pay $300 upfront. Gulp. That’s just too much. If they charged us for the neutering only I’d be okay with that but $300 is a lot of money for a kitty we found abandoned. Sorry Pico. That makes us really sad.

We lost our sweet fur baby, Mostaza, nearly ten months ago so coming across Pico and helping him made me feel that I could be ready for a new pet kitty when the opportunity arises again.

Isn’t Mostaza pretty?

We’re grateful we were at least able to help Pico. Maybe that’s all we were meant to do. Now, I just hope that once he makes it to the pound he is quickly adopted. He’s too sweet and smart and beautiful to not be. I refuse to think about what else could happen. It breaks my heart to. So pray for Pico! I suspect Pico will find a good home and live a good healthy life. Good kitty!


Thats outrageous. How much will they charge the person who adopts him?
Here I thought you had adopted a kitty and I was so happy for you. Why is it that is so expensive and really prevents a sweet future owner from having him. Yikes We don't even pay that much for a dr visit.
that is terrible, even $300 is way too much

I am so sorry.

HiHoRosie said…
Yeah, that fee is from the vet. Hubby tried talking to them about how this doesn't make sense because once Pico is shipped off to the Humane Society he'd only cost $100 to adopt. It sounds like the vet is driven by money anyway. I'm glad they were able to help him but agree the cost is way too much.
sarabethxvx said…
I am glad you were able to help pico to a dr. It is astounding that the bill was so much and i was really sad when I got to the end and you didn't get to keep him... maybe its time for SOMEONE (you!) to visit an adoption center. I think you may need a friend... And to make raw chiili.
sarabethxvx said…
The only bad thing about the kale chips is that a full large bunch of kale doesn't make a whole lot of chips and then you eat them and its all gone :(
sarabethxvx said…
do you go to any of the chaco canyon raw dinner parties? I was thinking about going to the next one but I don't want to go alone and my boyfriend is not too excited to pay so much for a dinner so he doesn't REALLY want to go...
Isle Dance said…
You were Pico's angel. How beautiful. Bless you! He will certainly be adopted, I just know it. He's too loving of a kitty not to be. You did good. LOVE your beloved Mostaza. Sniff.
Michelle said…
Heidi, you and hubby did such a good deed, indeed!! Pico is gorgeous, i especailly love the photo of him resting on your leg!! Priceless!! I am sorry you weren't able to keep him though! He would have been so lucky to have you guys as parents!!!
Carrie Nicole said…
Heidi, You and Hubby did such an awesome thing by ensuring that he got the care he deserved. Actually, I'm surprised the vet agreed to fix him up that extensively if they didn't have any guarantee of being paid back. My guess is, yep $750 is about what it would cost for surgery, neutering, vaccines, exam, etc. Going through the final week with my furbee a couple of weeks ago cost roughly $1k.

Since he had that work done though, he'll be adoptable and the county will definitely work to adopt him out, especially his coloring, etc, he's got a wonderful chance at a new life! My thought is he'll probably go to the Eastgate King County Humane Society and they are no-kill with huge adoption rates.

I'm thinking about trying to work with them for the 3 senior boys that I have been fostering because noone else seems willing to work with me because of their age, but they're such great cats!!! The whole system is sometimes frustrating but that's why I work with rescues, it's rewarding and I hope that I'm making a change in the life of the animals, just like you did with Pico.

Hey, another option would be to maybe foster if you weren't ready to adopt again yet, it's kitten season and every shelter and rescue is full and needing temporary homes for mamas with new kittens or just a couple kittens in general until they are ready for adoption... and the rescue pays for everything. It's a good short term thing.
Carol said…
He is too cute to not be already in someone's home. You did a great thing!! You saved his life and made it better. Have no regrets.
RisibleGirl said…
Maybe you should go to the pound and find Pico and adopt him. I'll buy him for you as an early birthday present if you want!

I'll bet that if you call the nearby shelters and ask them to keep an eye out for him, it would be a snap!

The making biscuits thing cracked me up- especially when you went on to say that he'd be great at working in a bakery.

Yousa funny one, sis! xoxoxo
yardsnacker said…
I liked Pico because we tend to name cats after spanish things. Mostaza had the most amazing gold foil eyes with just a small tint of green, so the color mustard in spanish is mostaza.
Pico, because he peek-o'd from the bushes, and also because he is a guy-o....get it, peek-o de guy-o? Ouch. lolol
You are an amazing writer Hiho. :) xo
Lauren said…
Aww, I am sure Pico will find a good family to adopt him! How nice of you to help him. We have a crazy cat lady that lives near us that has like thousands of cats that roam the woods and streets hungry all the time. I keep telling my hubby that I want to call animal control, but I am afraid with that many cats that all of them will never be adopted. They are all frail and always looking for food. It's so sad how people treat animals. Thank God for people like you though!
badash said…

anyways, LOL, yeah i should start my own raw t-shirt business. I'm go to a freakin art school, haha, but i dont really do anything except sell some art prints that hardly anyone buys...

i wonder if i make really cool raw shirts (like - NOT ones that have a website advertised on them like most of the ones on the market do) i wonder if people would buy them!!!?

i might do that...
Sarah said…
I wish you could have kept him :( He sure is a cutie. You guys are so cool for helping rescue him!
I'm so sorry you didn't get to keep him. That's a hefty vet bill tho!!
He is pretty. I thought you could name him Pico Bob, but I have to say that Pico deGuyo is pretty darn cute.
My heart goes out to critters too. I get all my dogs from the rescue. There is something very special about rescue animals. They always seem so grateful.
Pixy Lisa
Anonymous said…
Go to the pound and adopt him! There is no reason you can't or shouldn't!

You bonded and he needs your love. And you his :)
Violet said…
don't ya just love love love kitties?!?!?!! i can totally understand how attached you and sam got with that sweet fuzzy face!

if you still are interested, maybe do like that other reader suggested, and adopt him from the shelter.
it'd be more affordable.
Kelly said…
Go to the shelter and see if he is still there....ask what they will do if he's not adopted....then make your decision. But I really think you should adopt him! The vet can write it off on his taxes.

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