WEGO Health: My Dream Day

My dream day would have to begin the night before by going to bed on time so I wake up after a full night sleep. Having a full 8 hours (or however many you require) can sometimes be all the difference one needs to make it a perfect day.

But really, aside from a good night’s sleep, the perfect day was a day like today for me. It was all about being with my two boys, YS and YS2. Plain and simple.

Today’s weather was ideal so we spent all our time outside. After breakfast, YS2 and I went for a long walk (he rode his beloved bike). Then again after lunch and a nap, which I took one too (ahh!), we headed off to the garden/park. We all got our hands dirty in the rich earth and then walked around while YS2 rode his bike again.

It truly couldn’t have been more perfect. In fact, that is why this post is going up so late! I was busy making memories and having fun times with my family. The house is still a mess, laundry yet to be finished, toys all over the place, projects undone, etc. but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. To me, the best days are spent with ones you love and we try to do that as often as possible.

Hope you were having a dream day, too!


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