Stay Tuned!

I can't believe I haven't mentioned this earlier but just to toss out a little teaser to you raw foodies something big and exciting is coming your on August 31st.

If you're a member of Raw Fu and watched Bunny Berry's recent video she also eludes to this something. hee hee! Don't ya just love the suspense?!

Dun dun dun!

You will have to stayed tuned as to what it is but you will definitely LOVE it!


I can't wait!!!!
Pixy Lisa
Leora said…
Cute little post! Love how you set up the excitement.
Michelle said…
OOOH, you have me curious, very curious!!!

Do tell???

OK, i can wait!!!

Anonymous said…
*Pops into HiHoRosie land, blowing kisses and spreading lots of love!*

Lots of love to you!

Isle Dance said…
Oh...! I need to know! I'm not sure I can wait!!! :o)
Anonymous said…
It's a 7 foot carrot. Admit it :)
So, how come you know what it is Hmmm?? Do tell girl! Can't wait to see what it is!
RisibleGirl said…
I think I've had enough surprises lately. ha ha ha

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