Just for Fun Friday

Got this email from both my aunt and my dad - I thought it was a fun quiz so decided to share.

Click on the link below.

15 pictures will come up with a category noted at the top. (Such as most appealing drink, landscape, etc.)

Click on a photo in that category that appeals to you most. It will then show you 15 different pictures. Click the one for you and move on.

Just continue to keep picking and it will automatically go to the profile. (After you answer a couple of questions.)

It will give you a profile of yourself. It's called a visual DNA. Your choices dictate your profile.

Just click on the tabs to see the next area of the profile.

It isn't complicated........ Give it a try........

Here are my results:


RisibleGirl said…
I remember taking this quiz thingee a while back. Not sure if I put it in my blog.

It is pretty accurate though, isn't it!
here's mine.
I had trouble choosing the gross and the freedom ones.
Thanks for the insight!

Michelle said…

this is me and it fits me to a T!!!

Great stuff, thanks Heidi!!

Carol said…
That was fun. You and I only had one in common...friends.

Here's mine:http://youniverse.com/personality/feedback/555b1862e7bb6d5113da67f5afa66830
Leora said…
I really need to alphabetize my socks I mean finish my cooking, so I'll look at this next week.

But my photo was a date palm. Two commentators had already guessed it. Yeah, I guess you have to read the comments on those kind of guessing posts...
Anonymous said…
That was fun!! You should read the Twilight books they are awesome and a really fast read!!

Leora said…
I decided not to wait until next week.
my results

I am a dreamer, an escape artist and new wave puritanical. (great, people who like to drink water are puritanical? feh). I was one one of the only ones who picked a paint palette as way to have fun...guess not a lot of artist taking this quiz.
Anonymous said…
Haha. It got most of me right. A few things were way off, but mostly it was spot on :)
Michelle said…
Heidi i approved all of your comments on my blog!! And answered you too!!

Thanks my friend!

It kept switching choices on me. But it was fun, and I finally got all but one pic right. It had me pretty close.
Pixy Lisa
Sarah said…
This was fun :) It was actually fairly accurate. Here's my results.

HiHoRosie said…
This was so fun! I'm glad you guys played and shared your results. Interesting! This was pretty accurate I think too. And Annie, I had difficulty in deciding between some of the choices too.
ALF said…
I must go get my husband out of bed so we can do some freakin' landscaping. Although I would totally rather do this.
I took that test a while back, but glad to see it on your blog! I love taking tests like that, so I was happy to do it again. It was freaky how it got me just right! I had to laugh that one of the pictures to choose from for 'treat' was a guy on the crapper with the newspaper! Ha Ha!
Colleen Miller said…
That was cute. I picked the coconut too!

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