Anti-Pesto (ha ha!)

This super yummy dish was named and created by Yardsnacker just for me. It has all the makings of pesto on top of tomatoes but not blended in the traditional pesto way. The basil is fresh from our herb garden unfortunately the tomatoes were bought while we wait for ours to ripen.

Yardsnacker's Anti-Pesto
1 large tomato, sliced into wedges
slivered sweet onion slices, optional
small handful of pine nuts, coarsely chopped
fresh basil, chopped or torn into shreds
drizzle EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
drizzle balsamic vinegar
S&P to taste

Toss and eat!

P.S. If interested, I added a slide show of my meet up with other raw bloggers to an earlier post.


Anonymous said…
Yummmmm!!!!! Enjoy :-)
Anonymous said…
Tasty! But just as well you're not dating anymore... I'm sure that meal would give you some serious after-breath :)
Leora said…
Tasty! Maybe I should try that with the ONE ripe garden tomato we have. Your husband is a good un-cook.
Lauren said…
MMM.. that looks really yummy!! And so colorful!! :)
Thanks, I'm gonna try that
Katie said…

That looks so tasty. I love pesto.
Michelle said…
Very nice Heidi! Or should i say, very nice Sam!!

Either way i hope you enjoyed that lovely salad!! It looks so refreshing and colorful too!!

Carol said…
Not only does it look tasty but it's very pretty!
BeeARawFoodie said…
So the white chunky yummy bits are nuts? Interesting. I'm thinking I'm going to add some fresh chopped garlic to mine and skip the salt & pepper. Thank you Yardsnacker for (1) cooking for HiHoRosie and (2) for the inspiration! Don't fuss about buying 'maters even this time of year. Those 'matoes are so happy you appreciate them and that their diligent hard work growing was not left to rot on a shelf somewhere. At your house, you make veggies feel needed. And isn't that what we all want? Keep up the great posts and thank you again for your attention to mine. Blessings!
ALF said…
Ok, now I am hungry!
That looks amazing!
Pixy Lisa
RisibleGirl said…
This salad is right up my alley! I love tomato, basil and anything else combinations. Of course, you know that I'd have to add fresh mozz cheese. Yummmmmmm
Anonymous said…
Hey Heidi, what a lucky girl you are to have Yardsnacker (I didn't realize he is your husband!) make you such a fresh and lovely salad. Yum!
Colleen Miller said…
Wow that looks SOOOO delicious! I am craving that now. Thanks for sharing!!!
Autumn said…
That looks gorgeous! And Yummy!
Isle Dance said…
Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this! YUM (and I don't even like tomotoes, but this makes me want them!) LOL.

LOVE the slideshow! :o)
bitt said…
yum! garlic-free too. super!

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