Mr. Bumble Bee and Me

Mr. Bumble Bee
Created by Yellowss

Hey there Mr. Bumble Bee, how are you today?

Do you enjoy sitting on that flower?

Where are all your friends? Don't they like to fly?
Where do you live?
Why are you so fuzzy?
Is yellow your favorite color?
Are you a boy, or a girl?

I Know I'm asking a lot of questions, but what's that behind you?


by David Lyne-Gordon

if i were a bumblebee and you a scented rose,
i'd invite myself to tea and nibble your toes.
i'd nibble you all over and make you squeak and trill,
lying in a bed of clover, keeping out the chill.
when morning came i'd serve you tea to keep you satisfied.
and make you feel you wanted to be with a bumblebee by your side.

Okay it's me now. This bumble bee would not leave me alone! I think he was first drawn to me by my new purple garden gloves and then just hung around for awhile. Head to toe. Total stalker! Hubby would have nothing of it when the bee tried to land on him. I guess for me I have a new garden friend.

I now debut my first video:


Michelle said…
Ok Hihorosie, whatcha got?? Love that Sam?

Great first video, you have a nice voice, its exactly how i thought it would be. I don't detect a heavy accent which is good i guess!!

Weren't you scared of getting stung? I would have been 2 miles down the road already!! :O)

sarabethxvx said…
great first video! i loved getting to see your gardening attire too. Very cute. You looked like you really knew what to do with some soil ;)
See you monday!
what a cute voice you have!
I am notsomuch happy about any kind of bug on my body. You are brave HiHoRosie.

great video debut.

Anonymous said…
Are you crazy?? Kill it! Kill It!! KILL IT!!!
Anonymous said…
What a great debut video! That bee's almost as cute as you. :-)

I let bees crawl on me sometimes, too. It's scary in a way, but in many ways it helps me feel more connected with all that's in and around me.

How awesome that you got videos and photos!!!! How did you feel after it finally flew away?

Lots of love to you,

BeeARawFoodie said…
Bees are rarer than diamonds these days. You are a bee whisperer. A natural bee charmer. Friends that rare are hard to come by. And think of all the pollenation blessings he left in your garden. We love you bumblebee. Come visit me next time you're around! Great video too. Even novices make fun movies in this modern world. What will they come up with next? Making friends over blog postings? Who knew! Keep up the great garden posts. Ha ha. I crack me up. Garden. Posts. Ha ha ha.
Carol said…
They are so big and fat. I love bumblebees. They've got great texture and color.

I was telling friends how I was trying to capture a bumblebee on camera yesterday but he was simply too busy to hold still.

Loved your first video. Hope to see more!!!
Isle Dance said…
YAY! HiHo video! How funny and sweet. I'd have been thinking the same thing, I freak or ??
Anonymous said…
Your first video - and a brave one too!!!

Congratulations :-)
shannonmarie said…
You are as pretty as a rosie. I guess that's why this little bee (as well as the rest of us) is drawn to you :-)
Katie said…
How funny! You have a lovely speaking voice.
RisibleGirl said…
People are saying here that you have a cute voice. I'm here to say that your voice is even CUTER in person. Seriously.

Now, as for the bee. WOW. I'm impressed. I'd be running off screaming like a little girl and there's no way I could let a bee crawl on me.

Bee whisperer indeed! :)
HiHoRosie said…
Aw, shucks everybody! Funny thing is before posting this video I was saying to hubby what an annoying voice I thought I had! Thanks for making me feel better. :)
That bumble was your friend! I think it was drinking your sweet raw food sweat! That might sound gross, but I bet a fruity person(not in the mental sense mind you) has a sweeter sweat than a SAD eater. He just knew who was the prettiest and had the sweetest nectar to take a break on! He sidled up to the HiHoRosie Bar to quentch his thirst!
Colleen Miller said…
That was SOOO CUTE!!!! I love your voice too, like everyone was saying. It's so nice to hear your voice! Awww that was just so sweet. I've never seen anything like that before. He or she was very content! I agree with Annie, the bee was probably enjoying the fruity essences from your skin! Loved the video and I can't wait to see more!!! We just got a video camera a few weeks ago so maybe one day I'll join the video club too!!! :-)
Anonymous said…
Those bees are so pretty close up but I'm too big of a chicken to let one land on me. Your pretty calm/tough chick:)

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