Hiii Yah!

Okay, I did it. I decided to challenge myself for 100 days beginning August 1st alongside many of you.

View my page on Raw Fu

I'm scared. :)


Carol said…
Hihorosie~ You can do what you set out to do!! I, too, have joined Raw Fu. My goal right now isn't to be 100% but rather to find five raw recipes I love. Small steps.
sarabethxvx said…
you can TOTALLY do it! your mr will be a great suport, and so will all your interfriends!
Michelle said…
Heidi, woohoo!!! I sort of wish i could join you but i am not sure i could do 100% raw for 100 days!!! I could try though!! But i will certainly root for you, you rock my friend!!!
yardsnacker said…
Well well well missy! What a pleasant surprise to pop on over to your blog and discover this little gem. What fun we will have! You just earned a three knuckle-up ma dear, and as you know, I have only given three of those in my entire life. It's going to be soo much fun! WAHOOO! xoxoxoxoo

HAHA Guess what? the word verification is a total sychronicity! It's aoyjjjem... a a jem! and three jjj's! hahaha
Carrie Nicole said…
Woohoo! So awesome that you are joining the Par-Tay! I cannot wait to get started. I'm working on a pre-challenge kick start for the 5 days leading up to it, I'm going to try some new juice and smoothie recipes and get some meal planning going too. I'm also adding exercise to the challenge, to do some form of physical activity for at least 30 minutes for the 100 days. Will feel great and I can't wait!!

p.s. tx for being on my side :)
sarabethxvx said…
Yes! onion bread! i used braggs instead of the nama shoyu and i only use a quarter cup. Also I add half an apple ;)
Oh and the coconuts... If I can open 4, you can definetly open 1! Although if I could get my bf to do it for me I think I would suddenly "not be strong enough to cut into them" ;)
well, congrats, sweet Heidi. I wish you all the best. I am just starting a physical exercise program and have been juicing lots of stuff. I don't have my hubby's full support of raw yet, so we will be doing a percent raw instead if and when we can gradually wean off the other stuff Last night we probably ate 80% raw. That is pretty good, but it is really easy right now while the garden is producing so well. . .

best of luck

high 5 to hiho!

Sarah said…

Very excited for you. :-)

Woo-Hoo! I'm going to pop over right now and add you to my friend list.
Best of luck!
Pixy Lisa
Anonymous said…
Hey there!

Congrats! I'm scared too! I'm starting my day 1 tomorrow. I feel I need to kick it into high gear now so I don't freak come August 1st.

Good luck! See you on the boards
jessica said…
very nice.
will follow your blog and read about it.
RisibleGirl said…
You'll do great because you've had plenty of practice! Plus? Sam is doing it so that makes it all that much easier.

I guess I'd better stock up on the fruits and veggies (and not baked potatoes... I'm still laughing about that snafu!)

PS- wine isn't cooked... maybe I could do this raw food thing. KIDDING!
RisibleGirl said…
By the way, Heidi and Annie- here's how you do a high-five in internet speak ^5.

tee hee
Lauren said…
Hi Heidi!
I just wanted to let you know I nominated you for an award! Check out my blog for the details!
I wish I was brave enough to join you! You go Girl I know it's an old saying, but it fits!!<:0) I will be watching your blog for updates!
Carrie Nicole said…
That's right sister, bring your best Raw Fu moves!!

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