Special Day

Just want to send a special congratulations to my husband, Yardsnacker, who celebrates a special milestone today. Today is his one year anniversay as a super-rockin raw foodist! Woo hoo! As some of you know this can be very challenging (I know!) but he was motivated, determined and enthusiastic about each day. Way to go! It's been so great to see him change and accomplish so much over the past year. It's funny, once he started changing his eating habits early on I knew with him there was no looking back. It wasn't going to be anything temporary but an actual lifestyle change. And hey, thanks to him I've also reaped the rewards of this healthy lifestyle. Congratulations sweetie! Ya done good. Mwah!


Carrie Nicole said…
Many, Many, Many Congrats to your Hubby!! I'll have to wander on over to his blog to do double duty on spreading the congratulatory love.

YAY! I hope to follow in his footsteps and be able to celebrate one year going raw one day too.

And good for you Rosie too! You have obviously been a huge support for your hubby in these endeavors, so much so that you joined in and are living the lifestyle right alongside him!
Carrie Nicole said…
Oh, and btw, I'm always happy to support my fellow fur-kid lovin folks. I'm sorry to hear of the run around you are getting with Pico, just know that the vet clinic means well, having dealt with rescue for a long time, it is easy to get a bit jaded and not give folks the benefit of the doubt sometimes because of the really horrible stuff we have to see and hear about day in and day out. Not excusing it by any means but it's definitely a reflection of what they've probably had to deal with for a long time more often than folks actually caring and doing the right thing as you and hubby have.

And if you don't end up with Pico but do decide to adopt a new kitty, remember the boys that I have in foster here in my house, I'd definitely let you take any of em home with you if you wanted to meet them, I would feel 100% confident in the care and love that they would be receiving from you two!

xoxoxo Hugs!
Michelle said…
First, congrats to yardsnacker, Sam!!! Excellent accomplishment!! Second, i feel foolish, i had no idea Sam was your hubby!! Not a clue! Wow, and great and amazing!! UGH, i feel foolish!!!
Colleen Miller said…
Okay I finally have it figured out now you guys are married! Thanks for filling me in. I thought you were related, maybe brother and sister, but wasn't sure. How lucky you both are! Question - who started the raw food adventure first? So glad to know you both! What a wonderful support team you have!
badash said…
Hey, do you have any recipes with carrots? I have a LOT in my fridge and i need to use them.

same goes for grapes.

and mangos

dang, i have so many really ripe fruits right now, i hardly know what to do with all of them!!!

oh and you might know the answer to this ----- how to do juice ginger???? whenever i do it, it doesnt really taste ginger-y...!?
Carol said…
Congrats to Sam!! And to you to for going along this journey with him. He wouldn't have done as well if you weren't by his side cheering him on Hihorosie!!
sarabethxvx said…
yay! good job heidi's husband ;)
you can tell him I said that!
BeeARawFoodie said…
Sometimes you don't know how lucky you are to have someone until you have completed a journey together. (I hear the Carpenters song "We've Only Just Begun" playing in the background). Applause to you both. So... who does most of the cooking? Again, congratulations to you both on your shared committment and success.
badash said…
p.s. congrats to your husband!!! It must feel amazing!!!!!!1
Congrats to Sam, and you too my dear for encouraging him and being right there by his side!
May you two have many wonderful raw years together.
Pixy Lisa
Anonymous said…
Congrats to both of you and thanks so much for sharing your journey with all of us!

Big Hugs!
Sarah said…
Congratulations to your hubby and to you too, for being such a supportive wife! You guys are the coolest :)
How cool! One year! You must be proud! I'm sure Sam is too! What a major accomplishment.
badash said…
oh shi--....... i mean SHOOT! haha sorry i cuss when im excited... and mad....

i should stop.

MY BAD, =)
Anonymous said…
Hold it, way, way, wait:

You're married to yardsnacker?? I've been subscribed to his youtube for months, haha! Small world.

Now, on the other hand: How cool -- Congratulations! That's wonderful. Are you gonna come sign up do the 100 day challenge? If just for the community??
RisibleGirl said…
Congratulations to YS! You two sure look great!

Good job to the supportive wife too! :)
Isle Dance said…
You are such a loving and supportive couple. It is truly a gift to witness. Many, many loving blessings upon you. :o)

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