
…it’s what’s for dinner. Remember those old beef commercials? Yeah, replace beef with whatever is fitting instead. In this case, it was zukes.

Now, I’m sure a lot of you have had zucchini pasta in some form or another. It is good isn’t it? When making “pasta” I used my trusty vegetable peeler for fettuccine type noodles but really wanted a veggie spiralizer; just unsure which one to buy.

We recently bought the
Lurch Spiralo, which is super. Of course, I’ve never had a spiralizer before so I can’t compare it to anything else but from what I understand about the others out there this one is better, possibly best. I dunno - I just know it works for us. It makes beautiful looong ribbons of noodles out of anything you can spiral. Oodles of noodles! Yay!

The entrée we served up….ta da! Zucchini spaghetti with marinara sauce top with a nut "parmesan cheese."

Next time I'd like to try topping my pasta with Carmella's alfredo sauce. This sounds like the real deal.

Now go eat.


that really looks good. but do you not heat it up, since you cook raw, do you eat it cold?
never heard of a spiralizer. It's a whole different world out there, isn't it?

Anonymous said…
I want one of those things!! I have seen a saladaco spirializer at work and it looked like it did a pretty good job too. I don't think it get things as thin as yours does.
You could make great "raviolis" with that too.

I use my lemon zester to make angel hair pasta. It works pretty well-takes me about ten minutes to shred 4-5 zucchini's. Then I will put a little salt in to wilt them and make em really soft.

Your pasta is making me hungry:) I have some zuchini in the fridge just for that purpose. Now I will have to make some sauce-your sauce looks nice and thick-YUM.
yardsnacker said…
Your brilliance is only matched by your culinary skills. Magnifique! lol ;)
Carol said…
This looks DELICIOUS!!!!!!
Isle Dance said…
Oh.My.God. ME WANT SOME!!!!!
Leora said…
Yummy. I wonder if my kids would eat that. Maybe my daughter. My boys won't even eat pasta with a tiny bit of whole wheat in it.

You do create culinary magic.
Carrie Nicole said…
Ok that looks totally yum-O. I have wanted a spiralizer for so long, just need to buy one already! And if you can believe it, I haven't yet made any kind of raw noodles...OH!

It's on my list...

I pretty much think I have everything else I need!
That looks wonderful. I got a saladaco spirializer when I first went raw and I could never get any good noodles out of that thing. I don't know if I was using it wrong or what, but it was always total frustration. I finally got the spirooli (the one Matt Amsden recommends in RAWvolution) and I love it. So easy… and beautiful pasta.
Have lots of noodley fun!
Pixy Lisa
Rebekah said…
yum yum looks gorgeous!!

think I will getting a case of tomato now..mm..may do this next weekend..making dinner for friends

Its good with pesto too!! spinach, basil, pinenuts..olive oil..OMG yummers!!
Colleen Miller said…
Looks delicious!!! Haven't heard of the Lurch spiralo, but I'll have to look it up. Your noodles look perfect! I really thought it was pasta at first!!!
Hope you're off to a great summer so far!!!
KatBouska said…
Just found your blog while browsing and this looks DELICIOUS...I just might have to try it.
Anonymous said…
dogmd said…
I am having that for dinner! that looks great..
Michelle said…
Word up! This looks amazingly delish! Do you have a quick recipe for the nut cheese on top??
Sarah said…
Wow! You got busy posting lots of recipes over the weekend! Your pasta looks delish. I made (and ate) a lot of zucchini pasta at the beginning of the spring!
Anonymous said…
The pics are beautiful!! I'm completely crazy about beet pasta with alfredo sauce these days. YUM!!

Lots of love to you!

Anonymous said…
Oh that looks so, so yum. Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Hugs ~

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