Let’s Make a Toast

I recently made the Almond Toast from the Café Gratitude book. Whoa! Are these puppies good! Not that I eat puppies mind you but these toasts do have a crunch and texture like toast.

The first time I made these they were half eaten by hubby, who obviously loved them, so there wasn’t enough left to do anything with them. Not that I cared; they made great snacks. I made them again, a double batch, with the intention of making half the plain version and the other half the rosemary version but was too lazy to do the rosemary one as it was getting late in the evening when I was doing this. Again, I missed out on doing anything more with these than eating them with salads or as snacks. My intention is that for next time is to make the tomato-basil bruschetta topping for these. You know it’s gotta be good! Serve them up as an appetizer to zucchini pasta with pesto…oh now, that sounds divine.

I did the lazy-man’s way of dehydrating these. My M.O. if you will. You’re supposed to take the mixture and make a loaf or a log and then cut half-inch slices or something like that but instead I just spread the mixture out on teflex sheets like I would for crackers and cut squares and dried them that way. Worked for me! Maybe one day I will make them the way they're supposed to be made. They'd probably look a whole lot nicer.

Please excuse the lack of appetizing presentation in the photo but this is all that was left of the first batch so I tossed them in a bowl and snap! and as I mentioned I didn’t do anything with them except eat them.

If you have this raw recipe book and haven’t yet made these almond toasts, I *highly* recommend doing it now - there's other yummy variations of this recipe besides the rosemary one. Or if you’re remotely curious about the book you can check it out at the library. It’s worth owning IMO.

Enjoy your week!


Isle Dance said…
Oh, YUM - and I love the way they look. Clearly, I don't make things with recipe/the way they're supposed to look, so I'm so happy to see you do this, too. Hee. I think they look happy and FREE! :o)
I have that book but haven't made any recipes from it. I will have to try that one.
Pixy Lisa
went to Whole Foods and purchased the mandatory ingredients, now to make them. . .mmmmmm

I can't wait

Anonymous said…
Oh yummm .... I've got the book and after reading this I've gotta make them, thank you :-) It's high praise when they don't last long enough to do anything special with them!
Anonymous said…
That looks like a nice light, crispy treat! I wonder if you could add cinnamon and raisins somehow and make cinnamon raisin toast.
HiHoRosie said…
You know, I was wondering the same thing Lesley Anne - if you could make this more into a sweet toast than savory. Maybe instead of using veggie pulp replacing it with fruit pulp to sweeten it and then add in cinnamon and raisins. Might be worth a shot!
Colleen Miller said…
YES! We LOOOOOVE these!!! They are awesome!!!
RisibleGirl said…
I need to get some herbs and stuff together for you. Maybe we can meet for lunch next week. I have LOTS of rhubarb (yuck) that you guys might want. I also have chives, rosemary and thyme. Soon, lots of tomatoes (and I won't be able to eat all of them.)

At least you cut those into squares. I'd probably just break them off right from the pan.

See? I'm so lazy.
Anonymous said…
That's going to be the next book I buy for myself. All of the recipes I've read about sound so delicious.

In our home, the dehydrated treats rarely get eaten the way we planned--we snack too much as they are drying and then there's nothing left to do anything with when they are completely dry. LOL

Lots of love to you,


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