Happy Campers - Part II

Don't worry! I won't be rambling on this time. heh heh! Just posting more pictures from camping with the occasional comment or description. Enjoy!

P.S. A few of these were snapped by Yardsnacker. The less obvious ones (not of me) I'll point out.

P.P.S. (or is it PSS?) Blogger is a pain when uploading this many pictures (looks nothing like draft). And if anyone knows how/why some pics uploaded have a link where you can click on it to enlarge it and why/how some do not, feel free to enlighten me. I realize in my last post the pics are too small but it would've been a nightmare to go back and try to fix after the fact.

This looks like an eye staring back don't you think? Creepy now that I point that out.

If you look real closely at these next two I believe that is baby dragonfly. Of course, maybe it's not but it's not a fly nor a dragon.

I knocked water over and it spilled on my jacket. That's the dark spot you see.

These cool, pretty flowers were photographed by YS.

YS and I both snapped a pic of the rock embedded in the driftwood so I'm not sure who took this particular one but he was the one who found this cool shot to begin with. Wonder how long the rock has been there?

YS gets credit for the bee shot. Amazing! When I tried taking pics of bees on one of my garden posts they kept flying away but this one managed to stick around for him to take two shots.

Yardsnacker took this one too of the flowers growing out of the rocks.

I thought this piece of driftwood looked like an iguana.

Can you spot the birdies? There's at least three of them. Possibly four. They're hard to see!


Isle Dance said…
OMG! SO close! LOL! If you'd gone just a tad further, you would have hit SUNSHINE!!! (LOVE the photos!!!)
Anonymous said…
You're looking fabulous Heidi HiHoRosie :-)
RisibleGirl said…
I LOVE the pic of you sis! You look so happy and healthy!

I also love the rest of the pictures- good job Heidi and Sam. :)

You asked for advice about the pics. My advice would be to sign up for flickr and upload your pictures there. It's WAY easier than blogger, plus it will allow you to put a slideshow into your blog entry. Also, it will allow you to choose which size you want to show in your blog (I use the 500 pixels width, which would also fit in your blog).

There's a paid version and a free version. I wouldn't go for the paid version unless you plan to post a TON of pictures.

Looks like you had a great time!
Anonymous said…
Your camping spot looks awesome! I think you guys did a great job of raw camping, you food looks tasty:)
Looks like a great trip and lots of fun!
Pixy Lisa
Anonymous said…
These pictures make me long to return to the Northwest. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous.
Michelle said…
Awesome photos! I love them all! Thanks Heidi for sharing these! Makes me can't wait for my hiking trip!!! You look great too! :O)
Sarah said…
H, you are beautiful! I'm glad to finally see a pic of you. Those are FABULOUS photos. Makes me miss the Northwest. Sigh. (We used to live in OR). Oh well, I lived vicariously through your photos for a few minutes! Thanks for sharing!
Rebekah said…
gorrrrg pics!! its beautiful!!

made me want to jump into the pictures..!!
great photos. Camping to me means Colorado or Utah. I have never camped elsewhere.
As far as Picasa or Flickr, I joined both because Flickr doesn't allow others to download my photos. I like Picasa because it does. So Picasa is mainly for family, Flickr is really for choir.
I believe Picasa is google related. I have a google email, so it is easy for that reason. RG has Flickr.
Both allow you to make into a slide show, both are a bit limited, like you can buy more space, but we just erase some if it seems to be overloaded. That doesn't help you much, you still have to do research and make a decision.
Feel free to email me any time if you don't want all my answers to come on comments. annieofbluegables121@gmail.com
have a great day

Anonymous said…
Thanks! Glad you like my bento it was fun:) Feel free to share anything you like:) Happy Monday:)
Anonymous said…
What an enchanted place to camp!! I want to live there! Wow, everything was so beautiful (well, that eye was a bit disburbing, LOL). You are beautiful, HiHo! So sweet and pretty! :-)

Thanks for sharing the pics!

Lots of love to you,

Colleen Miller said…
Wow I'm totally getting the camping urge now! I miss it. Those pictures are absolutely stunning! Where is that exactly? I'm thinking somewhere in the pacific NW since that's where you guys are. Soooo cool. Thanks for sharing.

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