
Pictures of a tiger lily that greets us everyday outside our front door. The bush is full of buds so there's going to be a lot of them blooming soon this just happened to be first one to do so.


Charis said…
I love tiger pretty!!! We have lots of these too.
Colleen Miller said…
The colors are amazing!!! The lily looks awesome too next to the backdrop of your blog!!!
yardsnacker said…
..and did you know, its and edible plant?
Michelle said…
Oh my gosh, that is gorgeous! And edible??? Who knew?
Carrie Nicole said…
So pretty, one of my faves.
Pixy Lisa
Isle Dance said…
That is like, one of my favorite colors, ever. ((Thank you for sharing it!))
Heather Pace said…
wowsers! that is a beautiful sight! what a wonderful thing to see every day. :)
RisibleGirl said…
You know what's funny? I have tons of those in my back yard and they don't even have buds yet. My plants are always about 3-4 weeks behind everyone elses, but then bloom like CARAZY.

Pretty flowers, sis!
Anonymous said…
Wow, that's beautiful! I hope you'll be taking lots of pictures of your garden and the bounty that you'll be collecting over the next few months, too!

Lots of love to you,


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