The Garden of Life

Who's excited for another garden post? Raise your hands! Oooh oooh oooh! Anyone? Hello? Bueller? Hmm...just what I thought. But I've got pictures.

Well, anyway...ah's been fun and a learning experience. We have said many times through this new experience "live and learn." Basically, we're learning many things as we go along or The Hard Way. Such is life right?

As you know, this is our first year gardening and whaddya know? we end up having the worst spring season EVER! Not enough sun or heat to get things growing. As a result, our tomato and pepper plants are looking kinda sad these days...wonder if we'll get more than these two tomatoes? Do you see the baby tomato left of the large one? Sniff...

A couple of sad looking plants. Bell pepper on the left and a tomato plant on the right.

Oh and my allergies. Ever present. Yeah, good times.

Deer keep trampling thru our garden, slugs keep slugging and critters have eaten some of our corn before they even had a chance to sprout. I think hubby planted about 10-15 rows of corn and there's maybe five plants here and there that are showing promise. How's that for sad? Half our carrots didn't make it and the watermelon is nowhere in sight. :(

Sometimes it seems we go out to the garden to water the weeds. And I swear just when I've pulled all the weeds they reappear two seconds later. Why is that? But they sure are loving life in our garden. Grr! No matter what the conditions are they'll grow anywhere. And why can't the deer, critters and slugs eat that stuff? The weeds are stealing all the good yum-yums from our plants anyway.

It's frustrating too, to see some of the other nearby gardens with big beautiful tomato plants or corn galore or other wonderful things we seem to be struggling with.

But it's not all bad. In fact, a lot is good. Our romaine and strawberries are abundant! Just need the sun to be steady-eddie for a few days to ripen those berries up. The other half of our carrots are doing their thing (two different varieties so I guess the one batch of seeds was just bad). The onions (red, Walla Walla, and scallions) and garlic are hanging in there - well, the Walla Wallas have been a little slow but I think they'll be okay. We were just about to give up on some cucumbers we're starting from seed when they all of a sudden sprouted. Ooh! This made me so happy to see! The various chard and mustard greens are coming thru finally. And even though we've been struggling with the tomato and pepper plants some of them are still alive (actually, all but one of the pepper plants are growing but they're scrawny) so we're still a wee bit hopeful they'll produce something. Might take a miracle at this point but fingers crossed.

This is the world's smallest ripe strawberry. Those seeds overwhelm the berry!

Here's some merlot lettuce from our neighbor's garden. Another neighbor, Bessie, as hubby refers to her, gave us some merlot lettuce since she doesn't like it so he transplanted those today. We seem to have faired well with lettuce thus far so we're hoping the merlot will do well too. I just love the color.

I've loved being out in the sun (when we've had it), working, witnessing growth and watching all the beautiful life there in the garden. I don't just mean what's been planted but the various birds and bunnies and squirrels and people even. :)

Yellow and Black...Mr. Bumblebee makes an appearance again on some yellow snapdragons (center left).

Some of the entertainment value out in the garden is priceless. One of the funniest things I saw was when I was visiting Bessie in her amazing garden (seriously, it's an oasis almost - she has four plots next to each other and has had them for years so she's worked very hard establishing her garden). This little squirrel, who's obviously not very afraid of humans, comes waltzing into her garden. He actually got quite close to me checking things out. Well, Bessie certainly doesn't want Mr. Squirrel enjoying his stay so she tries to shoo him away. He doesn't know "shoo," his mama apparently didn't teach him that, so she starts chasing him thru her garden and I'm laughing as I watch her run all over the place shooing the squirrel who is running every where but out. It was like I was watching Caddyshack or a Benny Hill-type show. I just needed the funny music to go with it. Okay, maybe it's just me who's entertained or maybe you just had to be there. Trust me, you would've giggled. I apologized to her afterwards for laughing but she laughed too; she wasn't happy about Mr. Squirrel though.

Speaking of entertainment, our community garden is situated in a very large park, so you'll find many things happening here besides the typical picnics and bbqs. There could be Cirque de Soleil going on in one part, dogs running around in another part and a rock concert in another part but this past weekend across from our garden there was fight. Yes, you read right. A fight. But this was no ordinary fight. This one involved grown men. In costumes. And props. I'm talking about a planned fight. I'm talking about NERDS! So consider yourself forewarned: Nerd Alert! Nerd Alert!

Moving on...

Here are some of the birds we see regularly:

I believe the Robin likes to get photographed.

And not sure what kind of bird this is but he makes the strangest, coolest sounds.

CAUTION: Extreme cuteness ahead!

Some bunny in some bunny's yard. ha ha! Lamest joke ever but isn't this the cutest bunny ever?

I can't believe it's officially summer now. Where has the year gone? The garden season is going by so quickly and it makes me a bit nervous. So send us good garden vibes please!! We will need them in hopes of harvesting something.


Ella said…
Lovely garden, and Seattle is beautiful. You're lucky to live in such an awesome place.

I'm no greenthumb. Up with raging headache and earache-- such is life.

Thanks for all the nice comments. Your pictures are great too!

I refuse to go digtal, as I prefer the look of film.


Candice Davis said…
It's so cool that you guys have taken this on. When I was growing up, all my older relatives gardened, but it fell out of fashion with the younger generations, including mine. With the price of food, I'm guessing lots of folks will rediscover the pleasures of digging in the dirt!
Colleen Miller said…
Awwww I really enjoyed your post today. Well I always enjoy your posts but especially today. You had me laughing with the nerdy photos, awwing at the cuteness, and jealous of your fantastic garden!!! That's really something to be proud of! Way to go!!! I can't wait to see how it all progresses. Community gardens - I dig 'em! :-)
RawBin said…
I enjoyed your post, sometimes my garden looks like that too. I get discouraged and abandon it for a few days and comeback sometimes to find an armload of goodies. I liked the little bunny picture!
That one bird... it's a RAWbin, lol, and the other one is a Cowbird. It's known for it's chick-rearing methods. It lays an egg in another bird's nest, and then leaves. The other bird sits on it and feeds it. The baby cowbird grows so big that it pushes the others from the nest. Not the favorite bird among birdwatchers, but I think it's pretty anyway.
RawLeah said…
Hiya HiHoRosie!

Glad to see the garden looking good. Us NWesterners sure have to wait for our summer. But at least the sun finally made an apperance.
Lauren said…
Your Romaine looks beautiful! :) And what a cute little bunny!!!
Rebekah said…
hehe.. love your small strawberry..bunny and NERDS..damn..I need to get myself a garden!!
Anonymous said…
Loved the post! :) I'm wicked jealous of the lettuce though! Argh! My tomatoes are all flowering nicely... and that's about it. We've been harvesting strawberries and dare I say it? WAYYYYY better than what you buy in the store. WAY better!
Anyway, my herbs are doing delightful and I love just sitting out there smelling everything. So good!

I'm babbling. lol!

Love ya!
Michelle said…
Wow Heidi, so lovely and beautiful! Your photos probably don't do your garden justice!!! Wish i could visit you and do some foraging!! :O)
Anonymous said…
This post is woes and nerdos. Loved it!
Great post. Love all the pics. My favorite is the bunny. So cute!
I'm sending you some good Lone Star sunshine. We always have plenty to share.
Pixy Lisa
Anonymous said…
Hahahaaaa LOLIing about the squirrel and the nerds! Too funny, your garden looks fab! So big and pretty. I dig it!
Anonymous said…
Gardens can be fickle, but weeds are here to stay....Can you eat any of the weeds in your salad? That'll teach em' to sprout up in your beautiful garden:) Loved the pictures, your lettuce is making my mouth water! Good luck with your summer gardening season! Annie
Sarah said…
I haven't had romaine in awhile and when I saw your beautiful romaine pic I now want some!!! WOW. I bet they taste incredible. Salads galore for Hihorosie and Yardsnacker! :)
Isle Dance said…
I ((adore)) your garden posts, photos and cute little garden friends! I confess: I never did understand the adult costume fighting game thing, but it is probably good clean fun. I think. LOVE BUNNY!!! CUTEST EVER!!! Keep all this coming. You're doing great. And in no time flat!!! :o)
RisibleGirl said…
That bunny is so sweet that I could just EAT HIM UP! ha ha ha- I'm kidding. I don't think I've had rabbit. No, wait- I have. On my first date with BJ. Wow.

I love your pictures sis! But your poor little vegetables. :( Do you think it's because you don't use fertilizer and the other gardeners might?

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