
Every couple of months (or possibly monthly) in my office building the local blood bank sets up station in the building's large conference room encouraging anyone and everyone who can donate blood to donate blood.

I went in hopes of doing my good deed for the day by donating a pint of my lovely red blood. The man who greeted me and verified my info to get me started pointed out that today was a special day for me if I was able to donate. Currently I'm at seven pints donated so far so today would've been eight. Eight pints equals ONE GALLON! Wow! With one gallon logged I would've received my commemorative gallon pin. Could you've imagined the celebration for such a milestone?!

Well, unfortunately, I have a history of "hit or miss" when it comes to donating that many times I don't bother with the blood drive because I'm turned down so often. This is due to my low iron. However, today I was feeling really good about donating. It's like the stars aligned for me that I took it as a good sign that Today is the Day. I mean I've improved my eating habits dramatically over the past year that there is no way I'll get denied today. Nope. Not for this lil lady eager to give away a pint of her blood. I'm in a sharing mood!

Can I just say that the worst part of donating is when they prick my finger? Ouchie! And I start to get anxious too as we're getting ready for this. I can just feel my blood pressure rise and my hands are clammy. I also start to freak when they're about to take my blood pressure and temperature too. It's this mentality of it's-a-test-and-must-do-well sort of thing. Weird I know. Back to the finger...I can't watch them stab my finger either. It's just too much. However, the big blood needle doesn't bother me in the least. It's just the initial process I freak out over.

After the blood lady took my blood sample she puts it in the machine to check the iron count. There's a chart they follow and the minimum required to donate is 12.5. I'm not sure what these numbers stand for but whatever. I had warned her that in the past I usually test low but in the back of my head I kept thinking, albeit nervously, that I'm going to score well on this test. I'm going to achieve 12.5 or better.

Sadly, no.

What?? But this can't be! You're saying my blood isn't good enough? It's good enough for me why not for someone else? UGH! But even if they were to test me again I'd still fall short (she explained that the test can't result in a false high but can result in a false low due to tissue matter getting in the way but the numbers would only be off by small margins in these cases) because I wasn't even close to the 12.5 minimum. Well, close in the sense that retesting wouldn't even matter. I was around a 10 so with a 2nd test I might improve to be somewhere in the 11's but it wasn't worth getting my finger pricked again. No thanks.

Geez, I was so disappointed. Here I was all geared up and excited to finally be donating but was DENIED! So much for helping someone today. The blood bank has turned down my loan, saying my credit is poor. I have an iron deficit!

It's a good thing I'm drinking some fresh watermelon juice right now. If you click on that link it's quite an interesting read but here's a snippet:

Melons [sic] intake is also extremely important for preserving our health because they are as rich in iron content as spinach is, which means they are the richest fruits in iron. Plenty of iron is found in red meat, too, but watermelons are more appropriate to be eaten because they are not that rich in calories as meet [sic] is.

This is something I wasn't even aware of when I began this post. How is it that I never knew this before? Good thing to know now. Time to stock up on watermelon. Actually, we've been having watermelon a lot lately but now we'll have it even more. Mmm...

I'm bummed I wasn't able to contribute today but I tried. Better luck next time I suppose. I really want that gallon pin. It's been many years in the making to get this far. :D


RawBin said…
Hey! I used to give platelets every month and they'd take my whole blood every 3 months. That all stopped when I was unwell for a few years and my iron was very low. They said eat red meat, raisins, and take iron pills! That didn't work either.
So instead when I started aiming for high raw, my iron went up and I was so excited when I could give blood again! They said my blood had plenty of iron and were amazed when I said I wasn't eating meat or taking iron pills! I explained to them that I had about a half pound of spinach everyday and often had kale in my smoothies, too.
I really love watermelon and I didn't realize until this summer that it was high in iron. Way cool! Don't give up. I've read that it takes many months to rebuild a good supply of iron in your body. When your body has replenished it's iron supply you'll be ready and healthier than ever!
Oh, and I totally agree about the finger prick. It's the worst part. They used to offer us a choice of earlobe or finger. I always picked the earlobe.
Sarah said…
Hi Heidi :)

1) I can't donate either 'cos I've always been below the weight limit for donating! To be entirely honest, I'm secretly glad 'cos I'm freaked out by needles and bloodletting lol

2) When I was pg with my twins I had to prick my finger every day for like a month because of gestational diabetes... It was like the worst thing ever (next to having to give yourself a shot which I've thankfully never had to do). :-o

Good for you for trying, though!
Michelle said…
Heidi my friend, you tried!!! That says alot about your characther and willingness to give! Don't fret, next time will be better!!!
Carrie Nicole said…
Good for you for trying! I have always had the very same issue. One more reason to get my butt back into gear with my diet and sticking to raw!!

I definitely eat a lot of watermelon these days, I've been drinking watermelon smoothies left and right, they're yummy!!
RisibleGirl said…
I like that I tried giving blood badge! Did you really get one?

I'm never going to be able to give blood due to the liver thing. Even though it's not contagious, they won't ever take it if your enzymes are wacked.

Good sis for trying to do your part. Dad would be proud!
Awww. Sorry you couldn't give. The last time I gave, the lady told me not to come back. It took them forever to get a pint out of me and I got really sick afterwards. That was probably 20 yrs ago or so, and I've never tried to give since then. I'm glad some people can bleed freely for the rest of us.
Pixy Lisa
Isle Dance said…
Awww. Shucks. But good for you for trying. Love that photo, too. I hope they'll accept me in the near future. I spent too much time overseas during those (then unknown) mad cow years. This is yet another reason I should up my green smoothie intake each day. Thank you for sharing! :o)
Anonymous said…
Hi Heidi :-)

Love the "I tried" picture. You'll get to 8 pints one day I'm sure.

I'm considered very generally (in my opinion erroneously) to be in a high risk group so I can't donate.

But otherwise I definitely would.

Enjoy your watermelon :-)
Anonymous said…
Good for you. Great info on the melons. Who knew!

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