Leg Cramps and Me

So the other day for dinner I gave into temptation and ate from a place I hadn’t been to in quite awhile. I won’t name the place but it’s a stir-fry grill restaurant. You fill up a bowl with noodles and/or fresh prepared veggies and a choice of meat if you so desire. Their motto “all fresh ingredients...grilled in front of your very eyes!” And “Where the food is always healthy.” Yeah, well call me a fool! Even though I had been there a million times with no issues before last July (about the time we started going raw) I went a few days ago and paid the price. :(

This is my story…

I had stir-fry with hot chili sauce (mmm) and teriyaki sauce
I went home.
I ate it.

Now, I’ve had teriyaki meals from time to time. Not often but once in awhile I will for lunch. I’m always left quite parched, you know from all the SALT! Ugh! But aside from that all is usually well.

What was different this time? Let’s break it down:

I ate late
I ate too much
It had a lot of teriyaki sauce on it, maybe? I dunno.

The result?

I had the worst leg cramps in.the.world. Ever. Twice. In the same night. Fortunately, leg cramps for me happen so rarely these days but this time they hurt like nothing I’ve ever experienced except that one other time I had this particular type of leg cramp. The kind that seem to paralyze. It starts in my calf and goes to my foot (or feet in this case) where it flexes it so I can’t move it unless I try to with my hands. At one point as I was trying to manually stretch out my leg/foot it completely locked and turned into stone. I’m not exaggerating. My leg was rock solid.

Hubby tried helping by massaging my legs, stretching them and icing. He offered to run me a hot bath but I declined (I was afraid to have to move). Massaging did help but there were times the cramps would come back. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Hubby then made me a special brew of a big glass of filtered water (approx 24 oz), a few generous shakes or more of cayenne (approx 1/4 tsp), raw agave (a TBS or a tiny bit more) and 6-7 shakes of Celtic sea salt (aka Doc Sam’s Fixer-Upper). Believe it or not this really helped! And it tasted yummy.

So after the second round of spasms died down we wondered why this happened. It had to be the teriyaki I ate. Here I was thinking it was pretty healthy with all the fresh veggies I had added, minus the teriyaki sauce but I’ve had T.sauce so many times before with no problem so why now?

Leg cramps can be caused by different things such as excess weight or overexertion of the muscles (FYI - if you get leg cramps more often for no apparent reason it could be a sign of a more serious problem which should be checked out). But a couple of other causes stood out that were most likely the culprits for me: dehydration and low potassium/electrolyte imbalance.

Dehydration is pretty obvious. I consumed a bunch of salt. Possibly
MSG in the teriyaki sauce, and never mind the fact it probably also contained HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), something I rarely have these days. I didn’t even think about how MSG is in just about everything you eat (in the SAD world) and if you click on that link I provided it also talks about how it’s disguised as other things. Anyway, dehydration. I ate this meal way too late in the evening to be able to drink enough water to help with anything. Oops, my bad.

Updated: the special water drink hubby mixed up for me that I mentioned a few paragraphs before helped me with my symptons. He added in the mineralized Celtic sea salt to replace the MSG and the cayenne acted as a vasodilator, which causes expansion of the blood vessels/capillaries.

Now with the other culprit, low potassium I’m not real sure if that was it or simply sodium being out of whack but it’s what I zeroed in on to get back on track. Figured it could at least help. Low potassium/electrolyte imbalance I’m sure is the same result as the dehydration issue. Salt. I had too much. MSG or not, salt consumed in large amounts can’t be good for you. My body was telling me loud and clear what a horrible crime I had committed.

The next day my legs weren’t sore from the cramping except for a little tightness in my left calf. I made sure to keep hydrating throughout the day and stretched. I also filled up on foods that would be good for me, that would help me with my potassium levels and keeping me hydrated so cucumber, papaya and bananas were on my list.

So I’ve learned how important is to be well-balanced and well-hydrated. If you’re interested in learning about which foods are high in potassium here is a

You know what the good news is from this whole experience? I didn’t gain an ounce! How’s that for cool? Ha ha! But after rehydrating and eating properly since then I’ve dropped 3.5 pounds. Uh, water retention ya think?

Now every time I drive past that old fave restaurant of mine my cat claws come out and I hiss. I won’t be eating there ever again. Lesson learned. I just can’t handle some things anymore. I have a strong feeling that I’ll be adding more to the list after the 100 days. Just no more leg cramps please.


If you like the food there, it seems a shame to give it up. Can't they prepare it without the sauce?
Leora said…
My father gets cramps if he eats sugar late at night. So if he wants to enjoy a piece of cake, he waits until the middle of the day.

You seem to enjoy temptations, and then suffer, no? Not fun. Maybe let something into your diet that you like, without it being full of msg or whatever, and you won't feel so tempted?

I tried being vegan for a while, and it didn't work for me. Now I just try to eat less meat and less dairy. That's easier.
Michelle said…
Hi Heidi,
I am so sorry you had to go through horrible leg cramps!! But i am also happy that you realized what caused them. Sam is cool to do what he did! Your right though about the MSG and HFCS!!! All bad stuff IMHO!! I try as hard as possible to stay away from those nasties!!! So yeah i'm glad your OK now my friend!!!
Ouch!, I know from where you speak Ladie. I've had the same experience and it can be VERY painful! Also frustrating, for me, cause I know that by choosing different foods, I could have avoided the pain! I feel the same when I eat cooked foods that are loaded with salt (and aren't all restaurant foods!) so dehydrated and I usually feel like my skin has dried up. But you did the right thing the next day by hydrating and eating lots of fresh whole foods. I hope you are feeling better now. Onward to 8/1 huh!! Thanks for sharing a very informative, if painful, post!
Lauren said…
Ouch! Glad you are okay now!

BTW, I love all the little pictures you added. The leg cramp one and the cat claws cracked me up!
sarabethxvx said…
I know of this place full of msg and other forms of sodium. TOXIC! Man MSG is the worst! It causes all sorts of strange reactions in people. It gives me a body high. To the point that sometimes I am so numb I can't walk. SCARY! Well i am glad you are feeling better, sounds like you and sam knew all the right things to do! I have never had a papaya. Maybe I will put that on my second ten day mini challenge: Eat a papaya!
RisibleGirl said…
The only time I ever got those cramps was during pregnancy (is there something you want to tell us? KIDDING!), and yikes- they hurt!

I'm positive I've told you this story, but I'm going to tell you again. So, as you've written here- bananas are good for the leg cramps because of the potassium.

BJ's ex-wife was having a time with leg cramps so he told her that bananas would help. She proceeded to get a banana and rub it on her leg.

Now you know why I'm called the smart wife. ;)
Anonymous said…
Ouch!! I'm sorry you had to experience that, but how cool that you are learing from those kinds of experiences. How awesome that your body is telling you things so clearly and you are hearing what it's saying!

I'm looking forward to reading your updates as you are working through the 100-day challenge, too!

Lots of love to you,

Sarah said…
Wow! What a horrid experience. I'm so sorry. I bet I know where you went, too. DH and I loved to eat at those places. Thank you for sharing your experience! I have similar memories of eating favorite cooked foods (while trying to go raw) and feeling distinctly sick afterwards and wishing I hadn't eaten it. Never had the leg cramps though. Ouch! Glad it's better now.
Anonymous said…
Cramps are not fun and this journey is certainly taking us to places we've never been before. I'm amazed by the impact of previously okay situations. Wierd or what? Still, as Sarah says, I'm glad it's better now :-)
Carrie Nicole said…
Girl!!! I can so relate!

Super sleuth Rosie + Doctor Sam = no more leg cramps ever again. You guys rock! Talk about investigation, wow.

I get leg cramps and have started experiencing restless leg symptoms lately...drives me insane!!!

I need to get my daily dose of potassium, always does the trick. I'm going to remember that little concoction Sam brewed up for ya though in case I need quick relief.
sarabethxvx said…
Oh you KNOW I got the ebook. She makes the most beautiful food! I want to go over to carmella's house for dinner!
Carrie Nicole said…
OMG forgot to tell you!! Saturday.... 8/23... KT Tunstall.... Suncadia Resort in Cle Elum.... $20!!!
Ouch! I hate leg cramps. Haven't had any in a very long time. Maybe you should try the banana/celery/coconut smoothie I told Sam about.
Pixy Lisa
I just got an e-mail from Kevin Gianni. His topic today is LEG CRAMPS!
Syncronistic now isn't it???!!!

Carol said…
Goodness Hiho!! I'm glad you were able to nip it in the bud. It sounded pretty scary and painful.
Autumn said…
Sam sounds wonderful, I'm glad he was there for you & could help you through that! I'm glad you're feeling better. I remember getting those too.

Even though it's such a painful process at times, it's also interesting how easy it becomes to let go of 'favorites' so quickly! My body moved me away from things powerfully too.
Isle Dance said…
I am so sorry! I can so relate! I keep bananas on hand for immediate relief. They really do work. One banana. Or two. Depending. Then I'll usually eat them several more times throughout the next day, just in case. I hope you're feeling ALL better now! :o)
badash said…
OUCH i HATE leg cramps. It's basically the worst pain in the entire world. I used to get them a lot after really HUGE climbing trips or climbing competitions, and i think it was because i forgot to drink a lot of water and i was climbing for like 9 hours or whatever.... and not enough potassium?!

But man, this post was extra-informative... I took a mental note of it!

i have a question -- how do you put a list of links going to your friend's blogs? like yours says, "Fave Raw Blogs and Buddies" ???

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