
Prior to starting this blog waaay back in February 2008 (wink) I had absolutely zero interest in blogging. Okay, almost zero interest. My sister and hubby both suggested I should blog but I brushed it off thinking I didn't have anything to write about, let alone anything worth reading.

Growing up I used to be somewhat faithful in keeping a journal but life happens, you get busy and forget all about it. Besides, before computers were commonplace in the home, it was a drag writing by hand. My hand got tired and I'd get bored because I wanted my thoughts to be instantly transferred in beautiful legible handwriting to the new page before me but instead my brain moved faster than I could write. Fast forward to present, I started to think about wanting to keep a journal of some sort again but I wasn't going to be using a pen.

I've never been a "writer". It's not the medium I've used to express myself and I'm also not the most articulate but I'm no Paula Abdul either (mean!). In school I'd struggle when it came to writing class. I didn't write stories and I didn't do poems. Even in music class we had to compose something and I failed miserably - it's just not my creative outlet (I do like to talk with my hands though...does that count?). I'm a READER! :) However, I have to admit that after I wrote that first blog entry I felt different, like I had rid myself of something. Not necessarily something bad but just a relief of some sort. I struggle to explain this as it's something somewhat foreign to me. Blogging has in turn become something I enjoy and actually look forward to and of course, there's the feedback from all you super peeps. That's always a bonus. I do feel blogging has been really good for me and has enabled me to express myself in a new way. Being part of community that's so supportive is encouraging and motivating.

Today I happened across this article which I found to be interesting. Blogging is therapy! Who knew?! I'm sure every single one of you who blog feel that blogging is therapeutic in your own way. Now everyone knows. ha ha!

So blog away and heal! I love reading all of your blogs - they certainly keep me busy and I'm never bored.


Carrie Nicole said…
I started my blog bc it was so fun to read other people's blogs. I never thought I'd have anything to write about and most at first worried if anyone would read and i wanted to be one of those "cool" blogs, etc, etc.

what I found out pretty quickly was that it was therapeutic for me getting my thoughts out, I'd tried journaling a million times but since I'm on the computer all the time, blogging stuck for once.

I don't worry about if anyone reads it, it's certainly nice to get comments (thank you ;) but it's my outlet and that's what I use mine for... btw, still on break ;)
Carrie Nicole said…
btw, I'll be back to catch up on your other've been busy!
HiHoRosie said…
LOL - I think I needed the therapy! :)
Rebekah said…
I read the same article!...and haha about Paula A.

Yeah, I'm not much of a writer either. I just started one mostly to stay in touch with family and maybe meet some cool people. :)Haven't met any yet- J/K!!!! Thanks for stoppinig by at my place every now and again. I enjoy hearing from you :)

Candice Davis said…
Hate to tell ya, kid, but you are indeed a writer. Perhaps, so-called creative writing wasn't your thing, but there's more to writing than that.
Michelle said…
Hiya, great post and very timely, i was just thinking about the blogosphere! Would you believe that about 8 months ago i had no idea what a blog was??? How crazy is that? Shall i call myself naive? Anyway, sure glad i discovered blogging and your blog in particular. I love reading your writing so keep it up my friend!!!
Anonymous said…
Not only do you have lots to have the coolest pictures to illustrate your points. I think you are marvelous! I am new to this too, but I am loving getting your RSS feed each day and sharing your blog.

Isle Dance said…
You said it, girl!!! Your blog is so much fun and the energy that you and your sweetie share with the blogging world is a blessing to us all. Thank you so much for being here!!! :o)
therapydoc said…
Sure you're a writer!
Michelle said…
I love this post and I love the article. It is so true and exactly what I was thinking about when I posted today. By the way, thank you for your kind words! You are just too sweet. I really do appreciate it.

Repeat after me: I am a writer, I am a writer, I a writer!

You are whatever you think you are and if you enjoy writing then by God, you're a writer. AND there are a lot of people that are reading what you have to say who are affected by it and are moved by it. If that isn't a writer then I don't know what is.

Keep sharing your truth and we will all keep listening.

Much love,
Hey, I read your blob and agree, that writing is a great form of therapeutic healing. My brother and myself invested all of our lives savings to create a website dedicated to journaling, you can check it out at

Wishing you happiness,

Bunny Berry said…
If blogging is therapy, surely I'm completely sane by now! I love your blog. I've been reading through your past entries and I agree, I think you might be a writer.
Anonymous said…
I think one of the greatest things about blogging is it's not english class. I hate, hate, hate punctuation! It's true, I openly admit I find it confusing:)
Blogs are great because they are real people writing real things-like YOU:)
I repeated one collage english classes three times FYI-YES 3!
RisibleGirl said…
I started my blog as a way to keep up with the community of friends I'd met on a long distance relationship board. We all have blogs and that's how we stay in touch. It became a lot more than that to me.

Yeah, my blog is therapy for me, and it also shows people how much I *NEED* therapy! ha ha!


PS- I want to know what this "blob" thing is that Rodolfo was looking at.

Anonymous said…
That was a very sweet post. I enjoy your blog very much and hope you have a lovely weekend. "Peeps" it. :)
Sarah said…
You sound like a writer to me. ;)

Thanks for the I have an excuse as to why I'm such a blog hog! I'm just taking care of my emotional health. LOL
Anonymous said…
You're right! Blogging is a bit like a therapy group. I certainly enjoy sharing with you :-)
YAY! I love the blogger/twitter/GI2MR family. You all brighten my days so much and validate my thoughts--even when I'm not necessarily looking for that, it still feels good none the less. And I love reading about all of your lives as well!!! For the longest time I was so opposed to making friends over the net (too scared of creepy men!!!), but I'm so glad that going raw helped me find all of you lovelies! Blog on sister! Blog on!

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