
**SPOILER ALERT** If you're a fan of American Idol and haven't seen the results show yet read no further as this contains spoilers.

Wow! Am I shocked! I was CONVINCED David Archuleta would win American Idol. I figured both Davids had just as many fans as the other but assumed Little David's fans, consisting mainly of teeny-boppers with cell phones on some sort of family plan that includes unlimited texting privledges, would be voting furiously and ultimately place him as the winner. WRONG! I was so surprised it was David Cook who proved to be victorious. I guess I was fooled by Little David's louder fans. I'm not complaining. In fact, I believed both Davids deserved to be in the finals and both deserved to win so I would've been happy either way with the outcome. I have no doubt that David A. will be making great CDs so he has nothing to worry about being #2.

You know what's interesting? For my AI poll I put up, you guys predicted the right winner and the vote percentages (57% vs 43%) were very close to the actual percentages announced on the show (56% vs 44%). Rock on.

Now for me the highlight of the show was seeing Gladys Knight and her New Pips. Oh my! Watch this entertaining vid. I was laughing so hard! But of course, I love the three guys.
Additional thoughts: I was happy to see/hear Michael Johns again. I really liked this guy and forgot how much until I saw him on the show again. This guy to me wasn't the best vocalist but he was booted off way.too.early (I'm still in disbelief that Syesha was the last female standing but whatever). I also like what Simon had to say at the end to David C. and that the finale wasn't as clear cut as they (the judges) had predicted - both sung their very best plain and simple. I like both Davids enough to buy both of their CDs.
Well, that's it. American Idol is over so no more updates from me on this until next season. Yippee!


Anonymous said…
I really wanted David Arcguleta to win too! I was a little bummed but no matter who wins on that show your going to have a great career any ways.
when Simon said David A had a "knock out" I think all the David C fans got busy and voted.
both were very humble and deserving. Glad they both made it to the finals. both will do great.
I never watch idol, but since David A is in my state, and I actually sang with him at a concert at Abravanal hall, I was rooting for him. Very sweet young man, doesn't let fame go to his head.
I had a hard time sitting through the whole thing last night and actually watched a great pbs show on the future cars of America while Idol was going, then tuned into the final announcement.
RisibleGirl said…
This post didn't show up in my feeds, sis! I knew you'd posted because you mentioned it in my blogs. I hope something hasn't happened with your feed.

Anyhoo- both 'kids' have a lot of talent. I just think that David C is more talented and versatile. He has more stage presence and is sure of himself. David A is nice to listen to, but uncomfortable to watch.

It was really heart warming to see David C cry. He has always struck me as a pretty deep guy, but doesn't show it much.

Penni said…
Well, I was pulling for David Cook since he has been currently living here in Tulsa before going to Hollywood. He just has a really cool edge about him, but I though David A. was so talented ans such a precious soul. Both guys will do great in their respective careers, no doubt!!
I've got AI on the DVR, but haven't watched the whole thing yet. The Pips are hilarious!!
Pixy Lisa
Sherri said…
Ditto Ditto and Ditto. You took the words right out of my mouth. I was shocked David C won as well even though he was my fav. I too loved Michael Johns and loved hearing him again on the finale. I thought they kind of spotlighted him a little more than most which was fine with me. I thought he should have been on there longer too. Don't know what the fuss was about Syesha...never cared for her vocals either. Ya just never know do ya? Glad it's over and can't wait for David C's and Michael John's CD's. You know somebody will offer MJ a deal. Surely. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for the spoiler announcement! I was very surprised by the results. Pleased, but surprised! It made the 2 hours worthwhile!

I hope you have a fab long weekend :-)
therapydoc said…
I thought the littler David had it, too.

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