Busy Bees
As you know, we acquired a second garden plot. Remember how overgrown it was? Well, we’ve been busy bees – just take a look. Doesn’t it look fab-U-lous?! And in case you haven’t swung by Yardsnacker.com yet, you can see my hubby’s latest garden video update. We spent the holiday weekend working on this – in addition to pulling weeds and planting, hubby did the manly stuff like hauling off many wheelbarrow loads of weeds (there was A LOT!) and grass (our nemesis) and working the huge rototiller (awesome awesome work YS!!). Not to say I didn’t do my fair share of labor but I wouldn’t bank on the tiller and me getting along very well. I’m a wimp. Because the soil is so good to begin with (thanks to the previous gardener) we didn’t have to add anything. Just plant our little seeds. Yippee! So first off we planted corn and various sunflowers. Doesn’t that sound like a happy garden already? We’re still hoping our tomato and bell pepper seedlings reach for the stars quick. I’m excited to...