The Best Laid Plans...

...of mice and men often go astray - adapted from Robert Burns, To a Mouse, November 1785

Hola amigos (I should just say amigas since there are more girlies reading this than boys I’m sure…)! Hope you all had a fine weekend. Me? Well, you can guess based on the title and opening line things didn’t quite go as planned.

Before I begin, I’d like to say to whoever is charge of making weekends a 2-day thing to please consider 5 days. That would be really nice. K, thanks.

Saturday started out as planned: busy. To get me going, I made my usual smoothie with banana, spinach, peanut butter, cacao, and other tasty things. YS2 likes this too so we shared.

To spare you the play-by-play, we ran our errands and did our things. We did stop at an Asian market that just opened a little closer to us. And we did our part to support them by sampling a few veggie eats (we ignored for the moment the possible bad things in it [animal products were avoided, however]) and picking up a cute miso bowl for YS2 and some cutting boards! I promise to not burn them this time. After all was said and done, I was able to get some things into the dehydrator. That will be a separate post coming up.

Because Saturday ended up being busier than planned, I was bummed I was going to miss out on meeting Ashlei who was in town for a convention. I was hoping to meet up with her and hit VegFest (guess next year). This is where things take a turn…

Sunday: I began my AM with a girlie-girl smoothie courtesy of Lauren (see her sidebar for recipe). I missed out on the mint (didn’t have any but it would’ve been perfect if I did) but did include some chia seeds and coconut butter. Yum! Thanks Lauren for that inspiration.

YS2 and I played before he went down for his nap but then he woke up crying. Hubby went in there to check on him and let’s just say “cleanup on aisle 7” was a repeated phrase many times over. Everything else planned or unplanned was ignored for the rest of the day, although laundry did make it to the top of the to-do list. ;(

Thankfully, YS2 slept like a champ last night and is much better today. It had to have been something he ate (or licked – you know how toddlers are) but we have no idea what. He’s eating and drinking today and keeping it all in. I opted to stay home today just in case but we’ve kept it low-key while he recovers.

Being home today I was able to make one of my favorite lunches: avo, tomato, sweet onion on spelt bread (or any bread preferred). Spread a little vegan mayo (or regular if you so desire), a few shakes of sea salt and some black pepper and you’re good to go! To make this completely raw, it’s also great on Russell James’ Mediterranean bread and cashew mayo.

Before I end today’s post, I wanted to you know about a new book by MaryKay Mullally, 118 Degrees Delicious: Live Vegan Raw Food Recipes for Life! (Volume 1), on sale right now on for $21. It’s a collection of 60 of MaryKay's favorite raw vegan recipes (gluten-free, too) that she created on her healthy journey. Check it out and let me know what you think.

I’ve got more to blog about so I’ll be back later.


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