
Hey-ho everyone! Glad you enjoyed the springtime quotes. I love quotes and beginning of spring was the perfect time to share some lovely ones. If you noticed I published at the very minute spring was official. Sah-weet.

I’ve been enjoying hearing all the new spring sounds lately. I love hearing the birds sing and the frogs (toads?) at night. It’s so perfect. We’ve actually been seeing more sun. Now there’s a treat!

Another thing about spring, it's when YS2 was born. I’m shaking my head in disbelief that he’s almost two! It's gone by so fast! While it’s so amazing watching him grow everyday there’s still a part of me that wants him to stay little. I just love that boy – more than anything. My heart swells – overflows – with love because of him. If you knew him in person you'd also be entranced by his love of everything and everyone. He's such a compassionate soul it's beautiful and inspiring. *sigh* (more like sniff) Not a day goes by without expressing how grateful I am to be blessed with him in my life (even when he rips pages out of the book I'm reading).

Anyway, had to take a moment for some sappiness...
the day YS2 got his new boots
Okay, one more thing about spring…gardening. Woo hoo! Hubby got all the seeds organized and is now starting the little seedlings. They’re popping up already! Really keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed we have great summer weather so we see lots of everything. We’ll be growing tomatoes, peppers, kale, peas, berries, lavender, and who knows what else. I’ll have to get gloves and a little face mask though because we get chenopods like crazy and I’m highly allergic! Maybe I’ll sport a bandana across my face so I look like an outlaw. ;) I’d like to have a little section in the garden just for YS2 to play/plant in the dirt. He’s already got his gardening boots.

I don't profess to have a green thumb of any sort - hubby's got that (two of them) - so I don't have any plants that I take care of at home or at work however, I couldn't resist this little cactus trio. I don't have to worry about killing it by forgetting to water it often and the bonus is that cute little happy orange flower.

I’ve got some fun things (I hope) coming up to post about. Like dehydrating “chips,” a book review, and a giveaway or two (one’s not finalized yet). Now, this has nothing to do with either giveaway I’ve got coming up but what’s weird was a vendor contacted me awhile ago offering to send me a case of their product to review. Hmm…still haven’t seen it. I followed up with the guy but heard nothing back - it's been weeks. Lame-o if you ask me. It’s no skin off my nose, he offered, but do think it's unprofessional IMO. Oh well. Guess that would be my review of them (without tasting their product): lame-o. I'm hesitant to mention the company's name in case it's just a fluke.

It's VegFest this weekend. I've never been so maybe we'll go this year. Tomorrow is a busy day so that leaves Sunday...maybe...would be fun to go though.
So glad it’s Friday! Last night I kept thinking it was only Wednesday but how nice for it to finally sink in that it was Thursday. Now that Friday’s here I’m ready for the weekend! Hope you enjoy yours!


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