
Hey-ho! My week’s been thrown into a weird cycle - I’m off a couple by a couple of days. Yesterday I thought it was Monday because it was my first day in the office after the weekend. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. Good that the weekend is closer than I thought but also bad because I’m behind. Ah well.
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I’m making a few cosmetic changes to the old blog here. Nothing too major I hope. Mainly cleaning up, reorganizing, rearranging, updating my blogroll, and that sort of thing. Hmmm, maybe I'll actually update my banner with the proper fonts (it's only been nearly a year since I updated)...but you might also see an appearance or two of an affiliate program I’m participating in. I’m not a salesman, okay? I don’t plan on getting all up in your face pushing something on you or expecting you to buy something exclusively through me. I might mention deals and discounts and that sort of thing but won't push it on you. With that said, I hope I post things that might be of interest to you so if you’re in the market to buy…well, please consider going thru me. It’s possible I could earn a small commission but I’m not ready to quit my day job yet.

I’ve had affiliate links and google ads on my blog before but took them down. I go thru cycles where I do this and if it becomes too many then I find it’s just clutter and remove them all. Will ads make an appearance again? Not sure on that one. I like being able to control what’s placed on my blog so for now, no ads (updated to clarify: no google ads or other random ads I can't control will be placed on my blog however, affiliate ads/links I support may or will be posted but not many).

On my links tab those aren't necessarily ones I have an affiliation with per se - none that I have signed up for - they're just ones I like and/or support and are there as a resource. I might add a DIY section to that...(thinking out loud here).

How do you feel about ads or affiliate programs? For me, none of those things usually bother me no matter whose blog I visit (except popups – those ANNOY! I don’t like “in your face” marketing of any kind) but I’m sure for some it might. I hope none of you are bothered but certainly welcome your comments and opinions.

I just got the details finalized on one of the giveaways I was working on which means I will have two giveaways coming up for you to check out. I’ll try to post both of them this weekend.

Speaking of giveaways, I’ve won a few myself. I won a couple of books from Melissa at Contagious Health. I may have mentioned this before but it truly was an awesome giveaway. I got a copy Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr (I’m currently reading and enjoying) and a copy of The Complete Guide to Vegan Food Substitutions (so fun!) by Celine Steen and Joni Marie Newman. Then I also won a bottle of NutraVege from Bitt’s blog, a vegetarian omega-3 supplement, which we’re taking everyday; even giving some to YS2. And then, I just won a book of choice from Sasha’s blog, Blyssful Health. Since I had the Crazy Sexy Diet book I chose Ani Phyo’s Raw Food Kitchen. You know, to complete the Ani set. :) Anyway, I’m thankful for these ladies and their giveaways and that I won!

When I enter giveaways I don’t expect to win - of course, there’s a hope that’s why you enter, right? Well, and to support your blogger pal. So you enter and then forget about it until you get that special email in your inbox announcing you’re the winner. I love that!

It takes time to post reviews and/or giveaways so I appreciate those who do these – I’m talking about the ones who you know put the time and effort into each one, whether it's an occasional or frequent thing. Those whose blog it is to post reviews and giveaways everyday (or multiple ones weekly), wow. I bow to you and also think you're crazy! ha ha!

Last year, I entered more than my fair share of giveaways at various blogs. I took a looong break of sorts which is still going but have (obviously) entered a few here and there. I know it takes time to enter giveaways so I appreciate every entry I receive on any of mine.

Good grief! I’ve rambled on enough about a whole lot of nothing. I have this need to ramble sometimes I guess. Just be sure to check back on those giveaways I’ve got coming up – you might be the one who gets a special announcement in your inbox soon.

Enjoy your weekend!


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