You gotta love summer. Summer is all about seasonal fruits and veggies and lately we’ve been having our share of fruityliciousness (like that made up word?).
Okay, this post isn’t going to be revealing anything new and might be more exciting to me than to you. In fact, Lauren just did a fruity post so I almost feel like I’m being copycat but really, I had intentions of doing this post before I knew she was (not saying she was copying me either) but apparently we were on the same fruity wavelength so here’s to great minds thinking alike (*wink*)
Baby was getting hot so getting some yummy juicy fruit was a top priority! He's really not crabby as he looks but he was getting a little hot in the car. A/C to the rescue!
We picked up some organic champagne grapes. They’re so cute! A little tedious picking them off because they’re so little but they are soooo delicious! So sweet and flavorful. Of course, YS2 loved them. Perfect size and texture for him (softer skin than regular grapes).
Half gone:
All gone:
Excuse the play-by-play of grapes, I just thought the empty vine looked cool.
Organic local cherries. Pricey so we don’t splurge on these often but so tasty! Another YS2-approved fruit. (Sorry for the blurs)
Organic local cherries. Pricey so we don’t splurge on these often but so tasty! Another YS2-approved fruit. (Sorry for the blurs)
We picked up a Tuscan melon, or what we thought was a Tuscan melon. Turns out no. They were either misplaced or mismarked melons so the one we picked up was either a honeydew or something similar. Whatever it was, YS2 LOVED it! He ate a whole HALF! There’s an oxymoron for ya.
There was lots of organic watermelon too; another fave around here. No pics but I'm sure you know what a watermelon looks like.
Aren’t those bites so cute?!
YS2 and I went for a walk in our neighborhood where I spotted some blackberries. Blackberries around here grow wild. I mean, there is absolutely no need for you to grow your own. Take a hike/walk anywhere and you’ll find blackberry bushes galore.
I’m not a fan of blackberries (yeah, I know, another one of those weird things about me) but I picked them for YS and YS2. I have no idea if the ones I picked were ripe. Most came off the vine easily though.
Here I sacrificed my hand for a berry.
See those little thorns? Ouchie!
When YS2 and I got back from our walk, I began working on my lone task YS left me to do while he was gone: cook lentils. No big deal right? Just turn on the pot and cook till done.
Uh yeah…look what happened…
Hee hee! Major whoops! One of our bamboo cutting boards was left on the stove; guess which burner I mistakenly turned on?
All this smoke was just billowing out from under it and filling up our house! It was awful! I opened up every window and door to get the smoke out. Smelled like we’d been camping. I’m sure our neighbors were wondering who was
By the way, dinner turned out awesome (lentil stew) and this is no thanks to me. I managed to do my job of cooking the lentils (after burning up everything first) but the rest was done by YS. And thankfully, the house is still standing.
By the way x 2, I'd share the stew recipe but I have no idea how hubby made it! Other than it began in an iron pot and had homegrown potatoes in it. Mmm...
Anyway, lesson learned: PAY ATTENTION!
Before I end this thought-provoking post (ha!), I just want to remind you there's still time to enter the CSN Stores $100 gift certificate giveaway. Click here.
Now, I leave you with a complimentary pic of some cute lil piggies, courtesy of you know who. :)
Have a happy Friday!
