We have a winner!

I'm sure many are curious as to who won the Shabby Apple giveaway so let's get to it shall we?

...drum roll...

12. Ruri
I'm following you via GFC!

Ruri, I have sent you an email already. Please respond within 48 hours!

Many thanks to everyone who entered and supported my giveaway. If still interested in a Shabby Apple dress (who wouldn't be?!) the 10% discount still stands for HiHoRosie readers.

And if you're still in a wanting-to-win-a-giveaway mode, I have two going on still and have posted them under my giveaway tab. Both have low entries so your chances are good.

Speaking of winners though, remember when I mentioned that Food Network was hosting their first donut championship and two Seattle donut shops were competing (along with two other donut shops from elsewhere in the country) annnnd that I was rootin' for my favorite, Mighty-O, an organic vegan shop? Well, take a guess at who won. :) Congrats to Sara Beth for kickin' ass over the competition and bringing home the honor, the bragging rights and the big prize!

Right now I'm contemplating a product review (non-sponsored, however I'm an affiliate with one of them which currently isn't posted on my blog. And actually, I'm an affiliate with the other but never posted about it) but unsure if I truly should. Thinking out loud here...I might just forget the whole thing but we'll see. Anyway...random thought...

Any got a good vinaigrette appropriate for a Greek-type salad? I'm in the mood for one but need a good dressing for it. Got any ideas let me know.

Well, not much today. I always have thoughts swirling in my head just need to get them organized and written out so more later.



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