Hey! How was your weekend? As usual, mine was TOO SHORT! Weekends will always be too short.

I’m wondering if my complaining of the cold, gross weather on Saturday was enough to turn things around on Sunday. Okay, it wasn’t exactly warm but it was warmer. I even saw the sun! Such a welcome sight.

Because it was actually turning into a nice day we went for a family walk. Spotted some daffodils along the way which seem to epitomize spring dontchya think? YS2 got to kiss a friendly pug a few times too. Sorry no pic but it was super cute. If he could, he’d kiss every dog and cat he saw. I know I've said that before but I like to repeat myself sometimes. :)

I finally worked on my herb garden. Got the planter box filled up and ready to go but haven't quite decided what to plant in it. Since I have planter bags I used those for some of my herbs and some of the starts I had picked up I think would be better at the garden so that leaves the cedar box. I might still do herbs but I'm leaning more towards something pretty like sweet peas or ivy geraniums. I've got other pots I can use for more herbs.

Speaking of planter bags, have you entered my giveaway for Dirt Bags by Hydrofarm? They’re reusable plant bags made of fabric meant to breathe and aerate so your plant’s roots get the best of the best. Perfect for Earth Month/Earth Day, which is Friday the 22nd.

Here are mine hard at work:

I’ve got chocolate-mint, garlic and chives, which I'm growing from seed (soon to follow: parsley, shallots, basil, cilantro [not for me] and possibly oregano and thyme).

They’re great for small spaces such as your patio or for container gardening. But they’re ideal for just about anywhere no matter the space. They come in different sizes (from 400 gallons to one gallon). For this giveaway, I picked up the one gallon bags. Two winners will receive three 1-gallon bags from me. I’m sponsoring this from the prize to the shipping, so I’m limiting this to the US only. Sorry international folks (you read that a lot don't you? If you didn't live so far away...)

Anyway, they work awesome and I think they’re cute. If you think they’re cute too and would find them useful, please enter here. Everything you need to know about entering is there.

That was the rest of my weekend in a nutshell. I ran out of olive oil so I didn’t get some things done in the kitchen as planned so off to get more.

Here's a parting shot of me and YS2 - the lastest self-portrait.

Later taters!


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