The Human Experience

I was checking email last night when I looked over hubby's shoulder to see what movie he had just loaded up on Netflix. I soon forgot all about those emails...

The movie we watched was an incredible and touching documentary called The Human Experience. It's about two brothers (and friends) who travel the world and experience (three experiences featured) first-hand some of the challenges others face - they gain a new perspective and answers to questions on being human and their purpose in life. I couldn't help but be drawn in by the stories and people and of course, the cinematography and musical score were absolutely beautiful.

I will say it was hard to watch at times. I felt (and still feel) incredibly grateful for what I have. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I know we all have our challenges and rough patches and I certainly don't want to undermine any of those experiences and lessons, however, when I complain about trivial things or wish for this or that I'm reminded that I have a lot to be grateful for in my life. I found myself wishing I had a magic wand or something though. I have a really hard time seeing anyone suffer, especially children, so like I said, it was difficult to watch knowing there are so many suffering around us.

I hesitate to say more because I don't want scew your views before you've had a chance to watch it if you want. I definitely recommend this movie - it's a must-see.

This movie came out in 2008 and won all sorts of awards but this is the first time I had heard of it.

If you watch this, have tissue handy or your partner's sleeve works too. :) I had hubby's shoulder to literally cry on.

If you watch or have watched this, I'd be curious to know what you think.


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