All Hail to Kale!

King Kale that is.

Are you in need of some vitamin K, A or C? Well, King Kale has got a boatload for you! It’s got so many great health properties (i.e. cancer-fighting) which I won’t get into now assuming you already know about them. But did you know that its leaves become sweeter from a little frost bite? Obviously, not going to be happening now with summer but you know. Note for the future. You're welcome. :)

As previously mentioned, I bought some local kale bunches in hopes of making chips. Well, I did. Yay me!

I made some cheesy ones courtesy of Averie.

I mixed them up (I added some cayenne to the cheesy goodness):

Put them in the dehydrator:

And then…they never made it out. It was like *poof*! They disappeared. Yeah, so no pics. Ha ha! Guess that should tell ya they were that good. Thanks Averie!

I made another batch of kale chips; this time courtesy of Ani (chipotle ones from her new book [awesome book btw - get a copy if you don't already!]).

Sorry – I forgot to take pics. Just imagine all those pretty green leaves fresh from the D.

I didn’t like these as much for some reason. I liked the mixture well enough (sweet and spicy = yum!) but I think I just like cheesy chips better when it comes to kale. I bet I would love this mixture on zucchini. I like my zucchini chips made simply with EVOO, garlic, and sea salt but I don’t like my kale chips that way. Anyway, just a thought.

Maybe next time I’ll do a combo of the two by adding in chipotle to the cheese (instead of or in addition to the cayenne I added - ???) for extra cheesy goodness.

Question: has anyone made a cheesy mixture using another nut besides cashew? I tend to make my cheesy dips with a cashew/macadamia combo but I never seem to have enough cashews around here (or macs for that matter) and I have some brazil nuts that could be used up. I don’t want to make something (aka experiment) and have it turn out to be gross or weird. I’ll save myself the hassle if someone’s already done it for me. :)

Now, I need to go back to the u-pick farm for some more kale. I need more cowbell chips! Hopefully, we can discipline ourselves by not eating them before they’re done and actually have some to share or enjoy for a couple days. Ha ha! Yeah. Good one.


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