Finally, we're getting our week of summer here in the great Pacific Northwest! It's been loooonnnnngggg overdue! Our poor widdle garden. ;( But hey, our strawberries should be ripe enough to pick today or tomorrow. So excited! And tomatoes? Well, just maybe we'll get one or two this year. hee hee! It's a wait-n-see sort of thing.
Thanks all for your support and your comments on my last post - my post of I'm-here-but-I'm-not (wink). Glad you all understand that life just takes you in different directions, whether by choice or not, and some things just have to sit on the back burner for awhile such as blogging.
And here he is feeding a duck on a recent walk. We have lots of ducks where we live so there's plenty of "duck crossings" on our paths.
I think I mentioned this before but just before I moved, I received my copy of Ani's Raw Food Essentials thanks to Evergreen. As you can see, I was a wee bit excited to get it (snapped the day I got this at work). Now that my kitchen is just about organized I can comfortably delve into this book and whip something up. So many wonderful recipes!
And bonus! Today I learned from Kelli (a HHR Blog Fave) that I won Philip's ebook: The Raw Food Salad Bar. Yippee! Thanks Kelli and Philip!
And lastly, but certainly not least, a special shoutout and thanks to my sweet hubby for enduring and helping me through my crazy days these past few weeks/months (other stuff besides moving I'm speaking of here). Without him...ugh, I don't even want to imagine. But he kicked some major booty getting us moved and settled plus helping with YS2 and trying to garden and just have a life. So muah! Much love to you Yardsnacker! I truly ♥ you forever!
This song by Michael Franti is fitting for this post and how I'm feeling these days; other reasons: 1) his songs are happy! 2) it's about sunshine and a great message! and 3) I dedicate it to Sam, my love.
Hopefully, you back-East people haven't all melted yet! And Lauren, hang in there! I can't imagine being pregnant in hot weather. No thanks!
Thanks all for your support and your comments on my last post - my post of I'm-here-but-I'm-not (wink). Glad you all understand that life just takes you in different directions, whether by choice or not, and some things just have to sit on the back burner for awhile such as blogging.
Part of the craziness or much of it was due to the fact we were moving. UGH! I hate moving (almost as much as I hate being cold but that's #1 on my list). And with a one year old that made things a bit more challenging. I didn't mention if before because I was just so stressed with everything - got myself worked up. However, what was different though was I was truly looking forward to this move; this change. Maybe not the move itself but our new home. Now, that it's happened I feel so much more relaxed and happy. Our last place had a lot of potential but for whatever reason it wasn't our potential so we moved on and I feel brighter now. We're almost settled into our new home - just a few more things to unpack/organize here and there - and YS2 (Caleb) has adjusted well and quickly. Sam scored some gym pads from a friend some time ago which we're using in Caleb's room. He LOVES 'em of course! So soft and fun to play on. Plus we don't have to worry about spills so much. :)
Here he is helping mama organize the kitchen. I'd say he's doing a mighty fine job!

Sorry twitter folks! For some of you these are repeat photos. Mm, lucky you!
And bonus! Today I learned from Kelli (a HHR Blog Fave) that I won Philip's ebook: The Raw Food Salad Bar. Yippee! Thanks Kelli and Philip!
And lastly, but certainly not least, a special shoutout and thanks to my sweet hubby for enduring and helping me through my crazy days these past few weeks/months (other stuff besides moving I'm speaking of here). Without him...ugh, I don't even want to imagine. But he kicked some major booty getting us moved and settled plus helping with YS2 and trying to garden and just have a life. So muah! Much love to you Yardsnacker! I truly ♥ you forever!
This song by Michael Franti is fitting for this post and how I'm feeling these days; other reasons: 1) his songs are happy! 2) it's about sunshine and a great message! and 3) I dedicate it to Sam, my love.