So Far So Good

A couple of you have asked me how I'm doing on the challenge so far. Well, since this gives me a chance to talk about myself (b/c I never do - ha ha!) I'd like to share with you all on how I'm doing.

As the title states, so far so good! We're on day six of the Raw Fu challenge and am still going strong at 100% raw vegan. I feel great, nothing significant to note except that I have lost 3.5 pounds so far (bye-bye!). My first weight goal is within reach.

I should point out that I started cleaning out my closet and getting rid of clothes that just plain ol' don't fit anymore. You know how sometimes you can get away with wearing some of the bigger clothes but not so much anymore. It felt really good to get rid of clothes, just like with the microwave.

What is my deal?! :-D

My meals are still really simple so I'm sure that has helped a lot and I'm only having to be concerned about what I eat since hubby is juicing. So I've been eating a lot of fruit and avocados, which I know is a fruit also but I'm pointing out the fact that I've been eating plenty of those. Mmm...fat....I'll have to post about that separately.

The exercise challenge I have in place for myself isn't going as well. Whoops! I started off okay and then got lazy. I do count walking to and from my bus stop but that's not much (a combined mile and a half tops). I just need to get my rear in gear (budge the pudge!). It'll happen. In fact, the carpet cleaners are coming tomorrow so we have lots o'stuff to move and I'll count that as exercise for sure.

Bike update: we picked up my not-so-shiny-and-new RED bicycle from my boss. It's definitely been around with some chipped paint here and there. I haven't ridden it yet but hubby took it out for a spin and found that some of the gears slip. I'll have to look into getting that thing tuned up possibly.

Tomorrow hubby and I are going to meet for the first time zee ladies from blogging and Raw Fu (Sara Beth, LolaBloom and Aimee) over at Chaco Canyon. I just hope that when we show up it doesn't turn out to be that all three are the same person, a hairy big guy named Gary. ha ha! Actually, I am looking forward to meeting them in person so this should be fun.


bitt said…
love that beagle pic. so cute with the upward eyes/down face.

i have been getting rid of clothes too. hmm, maybe we should swap. i will email you.

RisibleGirl said…
How fun, meeting up with your raw peeps! I've had a lot of fun meeting up with people I've met over the internet (including my husband- tee hee) and have made some really great friends out of it.

Congrats on the weight loss! I peeked today and I've lost 4lbs since 8/1, so we're neck and neck! (or is that butt and butt?) Six days and no sugar. I do miss the heck out of it though!

You guys are on FIRE! wtg hhr and rg!

nothing over here. . .

at least I haven't "found" your combined 8 pounds that you two lost. . .

Michelle said…
Your doing so great Heidi! I'm proud of ya!

Exercise...i sure know how hard that is, but i just force myself and once i'm moving, i just keep moving!! :O)

Wish i could be at your meet up tomorrow!! Have fun!
Congrats on your weight loss and clearing out the big clothes. That's awesome!!!
Love that puppy. Sweetest pic ever. I can't wait till you get your bike tuned up. I think you will love riding.
Pixy Lisa
It's so good to hear you are doing well! Congrats on the weight loss, and isn't it fun to get rid of clothes that are TOO LARGE!!!! Your exercise will work it's self out. (pun intended) Just keep going, and don't look back. The new/old bike will be great for you, once you get the gears in gear. (oh, I'm on a roll...) Have fun meeting and greeting!!
sarabethxvx said…
Yay! Tomorrow is gonna rule! Congrats on the weight loss as well. I lost about 5lbs right away and have been hovering in the same 4 lb range ever since. I hope my plateu is over soon and I drop another few permanently. That would be a-ok with me!
I'm beat, time for bed!
Isle Dance said…
Have a blast! I met the CC owners recently! Fingers crossed y'all photog the event! :o)
Carol said…
You are doing so well HiHo. Congrats on having to toss away clothes that are too big!!!!!!!
Sarah said…
Awww how fun that you get to meet new friends! You'll have to tell us all about it. :-)

And yes, the walking to and fro from the bus stop DOES count! Just wear comfy shoes and speed walk :D
ALF said…
How fun to meet bloggy friends!

Is that your puppy? He is so cute I could eat him. But I won't.
Anonymous said…
How lucky you are to meet raw fu friends. I have met some raw people from the internet and they have always been who they say they are so I'm sure you are going to have a great time! :)

Cograts on reaching all your goals so far. These hundred days are going to be rawsome, aren't they?

Anonymous said…
You go Heidi! Toss out or give away the excess, don't fit anymore clothes and anything else that might fall under that category. If you need advise about decluttering - call me. I'll say this much, it is an ongoing process that will get to a point were it is better, even easier, but it will never end.

Glad to know the Raw Fu challenge is going well for you. Is that a picture of your puppy! Oh my gosh, talk about adorable.
badash said…
Good to hear you are doing well with the challenge. BYBYE 3 pounds.

I love losing weight. (IN A HEALTHY WAY, i mean) because every pound I lose, i truly can feel it when I climb --- i have an insane strength-to-weight ratio now!

As far as exercising goes, you just need to get your psyche and motivation up about it. PSYCHE YOURSELF UP. Believe it or not, EVEN I have a hard time working out sometimes -- i just get really lazy.

...Then i'm like "WAIT, stop, Ashley, you are trying to go pro, what the hell are you doing, you need to get to work!" and thats what motivates me!

anyways, i def. laughed out loud at the last part about the guy named Gary. That'd be funny. SOOOOOOOOO when are you coming to Nashville to eat raw foods with ME?! lol.

have fun!
Anonymous said…
YAY!! getting rid of too big clothes is such a great feeling, I'm excited for you! You know what that means though? More shopping 4 u!!
I recently had a yard/sidewalk sale with all my too big clothes from last year.
I'm stoked about the red bike!! Cool:)

A mile and a half is pretty good, it's more than most people walk. Have you considered power walking that? I do in the city and people look at me weird but who cares this is NYC!!
jessica said…
great job. congrats on your goals. that doggie is way too cute.
Anonymous said…
I bet you could secretly murder a burger right now :)
HiHoRosie said…
Isn't the little sad puppy so cute? But he's not mine. Not my pic either. Pilfered from the internet, which undoubtedly was pilfered many times over. I'd give credit where it's due if I only knew the original source.
Carrie Nicole said…
SUPER fantastic meeting you (and everyone else too) at Chaco last night. Was SO refreshing to be able to spend time with folks that get "that raw food thing?"...ha.

I like having my own little local circle of support to keep me inspired and also to get me out of the kitchen on occasion ;)

Have a great day!
Anonymous said…
I hope you have a fabulous time :-) and congratulations on your weight loss!

Antony xx

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