Love Is...


yeah, Watermelon has always been a favorite of mine. My grandma used to make a fried dough called crullers. They puffed up and we salted them, then we would put a piece of watermelon inside the puff and take a bite. mmmmmm
but now I have discovered watermelon JUICE. . . oh my!
Green River UT melons are so fab. The farmer's market always brings them to us, so we don't even have to travel there. YEA!

ALF said…
I believe that in the summer people should eat as much watermelon and corn on the cob as they can get their hands on. Yum!
Leora said…
My daughter and I were enjoying some juicy summer watermelon at 9 pm last night (when she should have been sleeping, but she claimed hunger). That one looks so good I could eat it off the screen.
Michelle said…
So yummy and juicy!!! I like when i'm eating watermelon and the juice drips all over the place!! Well, not on the floor but my fingers and chin and hmm i guess thats it!!! Next for me is watermelon juice!!!!

Carrie Nicole said…
Ditto, I *heart* watermelon. Although I think first place for Watermelon love goes to Kristin... I'm pretty sure she would bathe in the stuff ;)
bitt said…
Bathe in water melon? Now that's an idea.
Yeah baby. That's my love!
Pixy Lisa
That just looks so refreshing!
Lauren said…
Damn right.. that watermelon looks delish!
And I had the Mac n cheese crackers.. yum!!! Pass that recipe along if you ever try to make them!! :)
Sarah said…
That is a beauty! Did you eat the whole thing in one day? :-)

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