Pint-Sized Love

I did it! Woo hoo! I did it! I did it! I did it!

I donated blood today.

Why is this so exciting? Well, the last time I tried to donate it wasn't a good day but today I passed the iron test with flying colors of red! Red as in my blood.

This also means I received my one gallon pin. I'll add a picture of it when I have my camera. My phone takes horrible pictures as witnessed by my arm pic above.

Did you know that with each pint of blood it can help up to three lives? So those eight pints, or one gallon, that I donated means I could've potentially helped 24 people. Gets me emotional thinking about it that way. I admire those who can donate regularly.

Curious about more blood facts? If so, click here. Although, for #39, which states there is no substitute for human blood, however it is a fact that coconut water, in cases of emergencies, can be used as a sub for blood plasma. Here's more info on blood plasma.

I had a good feeling about today; actually, I just really wanted to be able to donate so when I was told I passed I pumped my fists into the air! The minimum iron level is 12.5 or something like that and mine was 14 point something. Really good. And NO RED MEAT was involved.

The lady liked me I think because I was so happy to have passed. Of course, this makes her happy too. Not sure what the average donation time is when you're on the gurney pumping your arm but I filled my pint bag in five minutes, which also impressed her and everyone else. I had a vein that was ready to go I suppose.

This was probably more info that you cared to know but for me I'm just so glad I was finally able to donate blood today. That gallon pin took a long time for me to earn. Now we'll see how I do in 56 days.

And now my lovely pin:


Michelle said…
Heidi that is wonderful news!! I am so glad you were able to donate today!! I know you really really wanted to!! And to think you can help so many people is quite amazing!!!

Your amazing!!

Anonymous said…
Coconut water? Really? I didn't know that, how interesting :)

I have blood donation stories too. Here's a link to an old post of mine on blood donation, you might like it... :)
Hurray for you! That is wonderful!

They don't give us pins. Ratz. But I have stickers they gave us that I put onto the back of my bathroom medicine chest/mirror.

You are such a sweet girl, Heidi.

Autumn said…
Hey, Congratulations!

That is interesting about coconut water.

Way to go saving lives!
bitt said…
cool! i haven't been healthy enough to donate in awhile. i am hoping i will be up for it soon. this is so important to do. maybe our raw blood will help the others out in more ways than one. :-)
Carol said…
Good for you Hiho!!!! I'm glad it worked out this time.

Big congrats to you on the 1 gallon pin!!!!

Since I finally took the blood donation plunge not long ago, I need to do it more often.

To all those that have been scared to do it, it's not bad at all. Those techs are so good at what they do, I didn't even feel the needle go in.

I also like the saying, "The life you save may be your own!"
Sarah said…

I donated blood for the first time since going raw last month. I was so excited when I passed all the preliminary testing and questions. It's awesome to know that you can help others.

Beautiful pin!
Anonymous said…
I am so excited for you! You never know how many lives you'll touch by your sacrifice!

I wish they would let me donate blood. I have a type of heart murmur and they refuse to let me try. I even tried to do it once without disclosing the murmur, but when they did their little get ready check and listen to my heart they made me leave. I was so bummed!

Big hugs!!!

You're such a model citizen and an inspiration! It's cool that your job has something like that set up!

Congratulations on your Gallon Pin!!
Isle Dance said…
You did it! You did it! You did it! Yippee!!!! :o)
Pixy Lisa
Anonymous said…
Very impressive. Good for you...and the recipients!
RisibleGirl said…
Yay Sis! Sounds like all that healthy eating has been a benefit to the blood bank as well as you, eh?

Congrats on the gallon pin.

(suddenly I got all nauseated thinking about what a gallon of blood looks like. ewwwww)


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