100 and Ramblings

Hey, this is my 100th post! I can't believe it. Who knew my lowly ol' blog would've made it this far? I've come a long way from the days of saying I would never have a blog. Sigh, I remember when I first saw my name listed on someone's blogroll. I felt like a STAR! Thanks to my hubby and my sis for their support and encouraging words when I first started and thank you all for coming along for the ride and enduring my many rambles. Your support and encouragement is also greatly appreciated. I mean you're my friends now! That means a lot to me.

In the few days since my last post, where I bragged about losing 5 pounds, yeah, well two of those pounds are back. :( I don't believe it's all due to the Korean food I ate but maybe partly? Could it just be water retention? I dunno but I'm not exactly pleased but I'm also not going to obsess over it.

As I've said in prior posts my challenge over the 100 days is to be vegan and mostly raw so I was happy to read over at Debbie's blog about how she got to meet Matt Monarch recently and he said we don't have to be 100% raw all the time. Of course that is one's choice to make - I believe whatever makes you happy. For me, high raw with the occasional cooked food (I can't give up my beans!) is perfect for me. Yippee! See Debbie's post here. This is not to imply I wasn't happy doing all raw but I like having flexibility with my food.

Now, I hope everyone knew I was teasing about my hubby ratting me out. I wasn't upset or anything over it. I actually would've written about the Korean meal whether he said anything or not. I'm just having fun teasing him about it. :)

We're having record breaking temperatures today. In fact, as I'm writing this I'm at work (shame on me!). The city of Seattle (downtown anyway) has been asked by the power company to reduce power usage. I guess they lost several transformers and are afraid there's not enough power to go around so due to that request I'm sitting here with only emergency lighting. I suppose I could go home, that'd be green of me. Having the regular lights going off and on is getting annoying but I am glad they turned down the a/c. It was too darn cold!

This girl's gotta work now. Happy weekend everyone!


badash said…
happy blog anniversary!


you don't even realize how much of a compliment that was to me --- Chris McCandless is my hero, and Into the WIld is my ABSOLUTE favorite book and movie.

wow... i'm honored ! seriously!
Charis said…
Congrats! That is so fun...I really like your blog. You're so darling! ;)
RisibleGirl said…
I *love* it that you're blogging! Congratulations on 100, and here's to 1,000,000 more. (no pressure- ha!)

I wouldn't worry about the weight, and I'm sure you're not. I was up one pound today from last week- and I haven't cheated ONCE. I'll bet it has something to do with the heat.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I love you sis!
Lauren said…
Yay!! Congrats on your 100th Post!!! I am really glad I found your blog, I enjoy your posts so much! Good luck on the rest of your challenge!
Congrats Cute Friend! I am so glad I got to "meet" you. I have been reading your sister's for about a year and a half (when she went to Italy was when I found her blog) and have loved it. She always talked what a sweet sis she has and it is really fun you started blogging as well.
You are both such sweeties. And it is so fun to read your hubby's blog too. How fun.
Here's to many more. ^5 (as RG would put it)

Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your 100th post!! I enjoy coming to your blog and finding out what you've been up to lately. :-)

I'm sorry to read about the five pound weight gain. As you know, I've had a bit of that going on, myself. I figure it's going to correct itself, and I'm sure the same will be the case for you. *hugs*

May you have a lovely weekend!

Lots of love to you,

sarabethxvx said…
seriously... WAY TOO HOT to not be on the beach. Got some ripe ripe peaches from the farmers market and put a little cinnamon, nutmeg, and agave on them... LIKE PIE!
Sarah said…
Congrats on reaching 100 :o) I'm sure those pounds will disappear soon. Enjoy the warm weather!!!
bitt said…
hi hihorosie. happy 100th! from all i've read, high raw can be extremely beneficial. i hope you feel great doing it!
happy 100!!!

dog on lap. would write more but i can't disturb him.
Isle Dance said…
Happy Blogiversary!!! I'm so happy you're here!!! :o)
Anonymous said…
Ha! I seem to have a knack of just turning up places just before parties :)

Michelle said…
WOOHOO on 100th post! I know i've said it before Heidi, but i am proud to be able to call you my friend and i really hope someday we can meet! It's certainly not an impossibility right??

As far as being 100%, well you know my take on that!!

Congrats again!!

Anonymous said…
Happy 100 blogs Heidi :-
Leora said…
100th post, eh? I just checked on my blog, and I'm up to 319. I'll have to remember to celebrate my 1000th post.

Korean food sounds interesting. You really do enjoy food in general, don't you? Makes life fun.

Now, that's record-breaking HOT, not cold, huh? We've had beautiful weather here. But my tomatoes aren't ripening nearly as fast as they did last summer.
Carol said…
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Better late than never.... congratulations on your 100th post!!!!!
Sarah said…
Woo hoo on 100 posts! :-) You non blogger, you!!! Haha! It's addictive, isn't it?
Well, I'm soooo far behind in catching up to you, but Congratulations on 100!! I'm so glad you found me!! I enjoy our online friendship.

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