Garden Gone Wild!

I’m a bit tardy in posting about our lovely garden but you know how it goes sometimes. It was pretty wild when we went to the garden last weekend and did our usual stuff but then I went with Sam to the garden for a mid-week visit and HOLY MOLEY! Our garden, everybody’s garden had EXPLODED! And yes, those caps are deserved. Yesterday we went and saw even more growth. It's just crazy how quickly this has all grown when we've wondered if and when this would happen.

Btw, that's our merlot lettuce pictured.

Things had been coming along pretty nicely up to that point but over a few days it was almost like they had doubled in size. None of us are complaining. We’re all happy to finally see our gardens grow so much. It’s amazing what a little bit of sun can do.

We don’t really have anything yet to harvest except for romaine (and lots of it) but there is a whole lotta promise in store for us.

First our carrots. Peek a boo!

Tomatoes (don’t ask me what variety these are as we had so many that didn’t make it and others that took their places so I’m not sure what’s what anymore).

Of course I’ve got to have some animal pics. Here’s a very naughty squirrel being squirrely in our neighbor’s strawberry patch. He’s acting as though I don’t see him with his back turned to me. Yah, really fooled me Mr. Squirrel.

We’ve got squash, beets and radishes growing but I'll spare you photos of each.

Here's our corn! It's way behind everyone else's (thanks voles!) but it's coming along nicely now.

This sunflower (it’s called a chocolate cherry sunflower) is the only one that survived the first go-round when a vole or something ate all the others. Isn’t it gorgeous? Before it bloomed we usually found it covered in orangey winged bugs who kept very busy! We haven’t figured out if they’re good or not but they’re interesting. You can see in Yardsnacker’s video posted below the bugs I’m talking about. And if any of you know anything about them let me know. Sam planted more sunflowers of a different variety to replace the ones eaten so it’ll be awhile before we see what they look like. We’re way far behind on these compared to the other gardeners but that’s okay, it’s still fun to see the progress.

Also, note in this video our first picked purple radish and scallion. We were quite proud.

These are OUR dahlias. So beautiful!

Now we have this nasturtium growing among our strawberry patch (not our doing – just appeared one day). Actually we have a few that have taken root in our garden but this one is by far the largest and is producing yellow and orange flowers. So while this plant is a good plant for any garden (bad insect repellent) and has edible leaves and flowers it is taking over everything! It’s starting to encroach on the neighboring bed of carrots. I want to yank it out but maybe we’ll just trim it back. I like things tidy and this nasturtium is not following the rules.

Check out this busy bumblebee with two large pollen sacks on his legs. I bet that must get heavy for the little guy. He should get an award from the Queen for his valuable contribution.

A rogue sunflower in someone’s garden, I think among potatoes.

More sunflowers in all their glory around the garden. None of which are ours. Yet.

I have more pics from around the rest of the community garden which I’ll post separately, possibly in slide form to make it easier.

Was I bored or just sleepy? Ha ha!


Lauren said…
SOOOO GORGEOUS! I am so jealous of all that land!! How lucky you are so have such a successful garden!! I am going to have to wait until next summer to show off mine!
Anonymous said…
Loving the squirrel and my vote on the nasturtiums would be for toleration. They remind me of my childhood and I kind of like the way they're trying to subvert your rules. I wonder if you could get Sam to juice them?

But however you cut it, it's a gorgeous garden Heidi :-)
RisibleGirl said…
I learned something new today! I didn't know that's where bees kept their 'stuff'.

Your garden is absolutely wonderful! You can tell a lot of hard work went into the garden.

I think our squirrels are having snacks on BJ's strawberries. I'll see one that looks ripe, and go to pick it and see that someone else has already snacked on it.

Naughty squirrels, indeed.
sarabethxvx said…
beautiful photos!!! making me wish I had a garden
Michelle said…
Wonderful garden report!!! Photo's as usual are great!!!

THat sunflower is really great, my fav!!!

Debbie Young said…
I love it, you got the squirrels back! those little dudes move fast.. your garden is fab, keep up the green work!
Leora said…
Love hearing about your garden. I think a groundhog ate my ripe tomatoes! I am SO mad at that dude. I saw them on Friday, and that groundhog also visited. Sunday morning, no reddish tomatoes.

I've been eating nasturtiums in my salad all summer. Yummy. Enjoy.
Isle Dance said…
SPECTACULAR! The whole entire thing amazes me. Beautiful. Lush. Mysterious. Nature. LOVE it! I am so happy for you two, and I hope you are both so very proud of yourselves. Amazing accomplisment. Wonderful journey. Special, indeed. :o)
Carol said…
Love it. Love it. Love it all!!!!

That cherry sunflower is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Anonymous said…
Heidi ~ your garden is lovely!!! I just love gardening and all the natural foods and pretty things that spring up from the earth - can you tell that about me - ;-) And that squirrel is so darn cute.

We planted mammoth sunflowers and each grew to various heights, some taller than Peter, who is 6'1, big and thick, and others were midgets, like 12 inches, small and thin. Go figure.

That squirrel is so darn cute.
days are getting shorter, the plants suddenly realize they had better get busy. Sad to see as they are doing so well, FINALLY and then we get a frost! YIKES the summer went by fast!
beautiful garden.

bitt said…
so beautiful! thank you for sharing. is this a p-patch or at your house?
Anonymous said…
I think you need a pig called Babe... :)
Autumn said…
Your pictures are beautiful & fun! Thanks for sharing your garden again!
ALF said…
Wow - that garden is amazing. I have 3 tomato plants. That's it.
Your pictures are lovely, as always. Love the flowers, and your carrots!! I have no patience with growing a garden, but my sister loves it and sends me pictures of all her lovely produce and flowers. I'm sure she has checked out your site and is jealous of your growing garden! Sure you weren't 'Mary, Mary, quite contrary' in that last picture? lol
Anonymous said…
Ohhh, everything looks great! That squirrel has a cute fat little but! Hahaa. Looks like your going to have tons of tomatoes soon.
Colleen Miller said…
Your garden is SO inspiring. It is just jumping with all kinds of life right now. That is the best!!! Great pictures I am very envious of your carrots!!!
BeeARawFoodie said…
Thank you for your continued comments on my blog m'dear! Your garden is a testament to hard work and the power of love. Gardening is hard work. And the ground loves to be needed. The blossoms come on their own, and sometimes little nasturium friends pop by to remind you poetry and chaos still have fun in our universe! I think of our ancestors and not too long ago they had Victory Gardens during the war... and I think of the Victorian Pioneer Women out in the blazing heat with their long skirts. There's HE*art work to be found in a garden. From the looks of it, you've discovered that already. Forgive the Nasturium, he's just blooming where he fell.
Sarah said…
That squirrel is so chubby I thought it was a groundhog or something until I saw the bushy tail. :D I love your garden pics!

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