Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, friends!

Isn't that the best happy New Year's quote? Thanks Tamikko via Pinterest!

Hope you had wonderful holidays and celebrations or simply enjoyed some time off. :) It's been a fun and busy time for us as YS2 understands more of the hoopla surrounding the holidays.

I had been wondering if we'd raise Caleb to "believe" in Santa. He'll know the real reason for Christmas and he'll know of Santa, of course, but wasn't sure I wanted to get into the whole Santa thing. Well, Sam convinced me (with little arm-twisting) to follow tradition and enjoy the spirit of Santa. So YS2 got Santa gifts and all that. I failed to get a picture of him with Santa this year though. #Lame. I think he recovered from last year's Santa experience but I guess we'll never know for certain. Looking back at my childhood, I'm not sure if I believed in Santa. At least, I don't remember being disappointed in learning he wasn't real -- I mean I have older brothers and a sister so there you go. Anyway, it's been really fun getting into the traditions we grew up with to share with Caleb.

the concentration...

some of the aftermath...

So now...it's 2012. Wow. I hope time slows a little. Egads. But with the end of the world coming I suppose it won't matter a whole lot. Enjoy every minute with everyone! That's what I say. :)

I am, however, looking forward to this new year. The vision board I created last year really seemed to work so I'll be revamping or recreating a new vision board. One improvement I've made already is investing in some workout clothes. It's one of the reasons I failed in the fitness department. A beautiful friend pointed out that that is a lame excuse because one can at least go walking in jeans or whatever. I did seem to look for excuses when really, I had none. So now, I officially have NO EXCUSES to not exercise in some way. But besides improving my fitness regime, I feel optimistic, motivated, and excited for the new year. Helps I'm getting a head start. Yay for new beginnings!

Hey, we might even see more nutritious and fun food on this ol' blog! That'd be a switch. Wink wink. Not promising anything though. Ha!

Many thanks to those of you who've been loyal and supportive of me and my blog. I will still be blogging about different things that have nothing to do with food or nutrition or my goals (hello! YS2 - and hello! it's my blog) as I like variety but I know it stumps and frustrates some so I truly appreciate those who've stuck around.

Hope you're having a great start to a new year! I love you all and look forward to keeping up with your happenings, too.

Cheers to a very good new year!


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