Birthday Giveaway: Kroeger Herb (CLOSED)

If you’re not familiar with Kroeger Herb Products, they are a health product company based out of Boulder, Colorado and have been around since 1978. Started by Hanna Kroeger, she was often referred to as the “Grandmother of Health.” She was very accomplished in the natural health care field and saw a strong need to share her wealth of knowledge and her herbal formulas. She has since passed on but the company continues to share in her philosophy and commitment to providing healthy herbal supplements that work naturally with your body. Their products are all natural and do not include any fillers. Plus if you ever have questions about any of their products they are happy to help! I’ve only had positive experiences with Kroeger Herb. In fact, I’ve worked with them before, which you can read up here.

Up for review today are Healthy Gut and Turmeric.

“A healthy body starts with a Healthy Gut.” I think we’ve all experienced tummy/digestive troubles from time to time. It’s not fun. Healthy Gut is designed to relieve and soothe a “hot gut” (an overly acidic digestive system), maintain a healthy digestive system and proper pH, keep intestinal villi healthy, which means proper absorption, maintain intestinal wall integrity, and support a natural detoxification process.

It’s made with herbs including:
     Chamomile – for calming and relaxing the nervous and digestive system
     Spearmint, Gentian and Marjoram – been used for centuries to keep the digestive system healthy and full of vitality
     Wintergreen – used to keep digestive system strong
     Slippery Elm Bark – helps keep toxins moving through the intestines and prevent them from leaking into the bloodstream, causing serious health issues
     Meadowsweet – for maintaining a balanced pH and muscle tone for efficient digestive muscles

(info provided by Kroeger Herb)

Now Turmeric, part of the ginger family, has been around for eons! Many of you probably have it in your spice cupboard but here it serves as a great compliment to Healthy Gut in maintaining healthy digestion.

Turmeric is one of those herbs you’ll want around for everything. It helps digest fats by stimulating the flow of bile. It’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Besides it helping with digestion, it has other medicinal properties you might find interesting such as an antiseptic for cuts, burns and bruises. It’s an antioxidant, too!

So Healthy Gut and Turmeric work great together but they would work alone as well.

Buy it:
     Healthy Gut $14.99
     Turmeric $12.99

To shop, Kroeger Herbs doesn’t sell their products directly but you can purchase any of them from Hanna’s Herb Shop.

Win it: a set of Healthy Gut and Turmeric plus a bonus book, "Ageless Remedies from Mother's Kitchen," from Kroeger Herb Products

To enter:  visit Kroeger Herb’s website and tell me something you’ve learned or another product that interests you.

Extra entries:
*Follow Hanna’s Herb Shop on twitter (if you currently follow Kroeger Herb that will count too)
*Like Hanna’s Herb Shop on facebook
*Subscribe to their newsletter (don’t worry it’s safe)
*Follow me, @hihorosie, on twitter
*Tweet and/or facebook this giveaway (separate entries): Enter to win a set of Healthy Gut and Turmeric from Kroeger Herbs and @hihorosie! Ends Mon, 2/28.
*Follow me on GFC
*Subscribe to my blog via email or RSS

One comment for each entry, please.

Giveaway is open to the US and Canada and will end Monday, February 28th at 9:00 PM (PST).

Thanks to Kroeger Herb Products for their generosity!

Disclosure: Kroeger Herb Products provided a set of Healthy Gut and Turmeric for the purpose of a review but I was in no way expected or paid for a favorable review. This is my opinion and is solely based on my experience. Yours may differ.


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