WEGO Health: Six Sentence Story

Today's challenge is micro-blogging. Write a story in six sentences. Here's mine.

My Health Focus: In a Nutshell

I started talking a lot about wanting to make changes in my health and diet but when faced with obvious opportunity and support, I sat on the couch and complained some more. But, then I agreed to make some small changes so I didn’t feel like I was getting jipped or feel like I was giving up my life for boringness. Changes are hard but many times necessary and worth it. Those little changes led to bigger changes and ones that I decided on without any encouragement because I was ready and wanting to make them. Little did I know at the time what favors I was doing my body; my body saying THANK YOU! I may still struggle with some changes nowadays but I know what the payoff is like and I am willing and ready to do what it takes to get there…for me.


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