DIY: Face Scrub

Hello and happy Monday! Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Do you love or hate V-day? I used to loathe it. My expectations were too high or too low, not sure which but I got to a point where I treated it as any other day, just a day. Of course, things have changed so now I enjoy it. But, no matter how you feel about it, I hope it's a good day for all.

By the way, thanks for your comments on my worst first date post. It's long in the past so I can definitely look back on it and laugh (while shaking my head). Everyone's got to have at least one bad date right? Sad that some of you have had worse! I feel for you.

Another BTW, I haven't announced the winner of the Morrocco Method giveaway yet because I haven't heard back from them yet (I emailed them). Sooo, if they don't respond very soon I'll have to choose another winner and maybe it will be one of you! Stay tuned.

Boy, I'm chatty.

Okay, now, for today's post. Sugar Face Scrub. I. Am. In. Love. Seriously. It's the perfect exfoliate. Pure cane sugar, castile soap, sweet almond oil, and essential oil -- all organic, of course.

There are many other variations I'd love to try but this one I made is courtesy of my friend, Victoria of Mommy Is Green; her post with the recipe can be found here.

Like I said, it's the perfect exfoliate because the sugar dissolves somewhat so it's gentle and I've used it 2-3 times in a row (it just feels so good!) without any issues but I try to limit to just once or twice a week. Plus with the addition of essential oils, you can make the scent to your liking. I used sweet orange -- mmm, so springy!

Have a good day!


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