Leap Year + Morrocco Method + a Giveaway

Happy Leap Day/Year! As you know, Leap Year occurs every four years and is to synchronize with the Georgian calendar. Basically, it takes 365.242199 days of a solar or tropical year for the earth to circle the sun once. Our calendar, which is 365 days, is short of a solar year by nearly 6 hours so by adding a day every four years, this will be corrected. Otherwise, after 100 years, our calendar would be off by about 24 days. So it could get wacky!

There is a little catch to all of this: a leap year has to be evenly divisible by 4. Years that are evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they can also be evenly divided by 400. So back in year 2000 that was a leap year but 1800 was not. (source and source)

So let’s “leap” ahead to hair. What does one have to do with the other? Nothing really. But, today is leap day and I am hosting a giveaway from Morrocco Method, which is leap (for joy) worthy, so there you go.

Anyway, have you ever had a bad hair day (or days)? I mean a really really bad one? Like some bad dates in my past, I’ve had my fair share of bad ‘dos.

Let me tell you a story.

Back in my younger days, I was clueless about hair. I still am today but that’s okay. I’ve learned some valuable things from my past mistakes.

I have naturally curly/wavy hair. But back then because of how it was cut, it was usually more wavy and less curly without much style to it so it weighed down and made the layers underneath pretty flat. Well, I wanted fuller, curlier hair so I used to get partial perms underneath from time to time. No biggie.

One day while flipping thru a magazine, I found the ultimate hair I wanted. I ripped the page out and took it to the great and powerful Oz known as my hairdresser.

She said "sure, let's do it!" Even with my already wavy, somewhat curly hair, she said I could achieve this very look or close to it with a light perm. She would just take the curlers out of my hair before the full time was up. Did you catch that? So instead of 45 minutes (or whatever) in my hair, it would only be 30 minutes (or whatever).

So I sit back and read a mag or two while the clock ticks. Time’s up!

She takes out a roller. Hmm…interesting…then another and another and I’m thinking, “Whoa! That’s some curly hair!” I think she could see on my face what I was thinking (and fearing). She tried to reassure me that it seems curlier than it actually is. Then the reassurances turned into, it will settle down soon. Then it turned into, let’s wash some of the solution out as soon as possible.

I kid you not, my hair was so tightly curled it didn’t relax AT ALL after washing that stinky solution out, nor did it calm down after a day or two and I couldn't wash my hair yet because there was the fear it would look even worse. Well, let's just say I ended up assuming the role of Little Orphan Annie. It truly was that bad. I went to work horrified, but I couldn’t call in sick for bad hair days (there'd be too many). I got many weird looks from my coworkers and seriously, was called Annie from then on. One of my bosses teased me by asking (often) where’s my dog Sandy. Ugh, it was horrible! I was teased relentlessly.

It took a year and a half before it was all gone (should've shaved my head). Needless to say, I never had a perm again nor did I ever see that hairdresser again.

That bad hairdo story beats out some of my others: cutting my own hair; using Sun-In on my dark hair (hello orange!); a mullet; a hairdresser (who was really a barber in disguise) who blew out my hair so straight that it left me with a conehead shape and this just minutes before I had to go to a wedding rehearsal; too many highlights and not any lowlights (I didn’t know!).

I’ve learned to value good and honest hairdressers since then. I also stick with safe styles and extra layers if I want it more curly – no perms. ;)

Thankfully, Morrocco Method has wholesome products for your hair. To get it healthy and maintain it but also styling products to hopefully prevent bad hair days.

If you're not already familiar with Morrocco Method, you can read up on my past reviews here. Even if you are familiar with MM, you might not be aware of Anthony's other website, The Hair Shaman. The title makes perfect sense, don't you think? It's a more interactive way to get in touch with The Hair Shaman himself to ask personal questions, read up on various articles and learn the ins and outs, the good, the bad, and the ugly of hair.

Now, let’s move onto the giveaway.

Morrocco Method is giving away a $30 gift card to one reader!

To gain entry using Rafflecopter below (click 'view comments' if you don't see it; might take a moment to load), just simply post about one of your worst hairdos (you can keep it brief or make it as wordy as you want -- you won't be judged). Bonus entries, too. Winner will be selected at random.

Time to enter! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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