This n That

Hey hey! I feel like this month is going kind of slow but on the other hand, I can’t believe it’s nearly over. I dunno, it’s just craziness. Work’s been keeping me busy busy so I’m behind on things…like catching up on blogs. I’ve been trying though! I’ll catch up eventually. So if you haven’t seen me yet, you will.

Valentine’s was a lovely day for us here. Hopefully, for you too. We exchanged presents and cards, nothing too fancy because that’s just how we roll but I did splurge and get some goodies from Heathy of Sweetly Raw. We dug into the treats before properly taking pics.

Can you blame me?

The caramel pecans? Oh yeah! So nummy! I have to admit some goodies didn't make it to the photoshoot. Oops. Yummy, though. :)

And in Sam fashion for V-day, he got me flowers…to PLANT!

Primroses. They smell so wonderful!

Speaking of primroses, have any of you read "The Hunger Games"? I just started reading it. I’m already looking forward to the movie. If you've read the series you'll get the primrose correlation.

Vegan Cuts was having a sale on some items made by Lori and Michelle of Pure2Raw/Twin Cakes Bakery so I jumped on the deal on the last day. Can’t wait to try them!

It’s to tie me over until I can get my butt over to Raw Vegan Source to stock up on supplies. I think I mentioned my need to shop but I just haven’t had the chance. Sure, I could get some of the stuff I need online, which hubby did, but we also like to support local business so soon I’ll be making my way over. And when I do, you can be sure I’ll blog all my finds!

Spring is coming! Ahh…love love love it! I’m so looking forward to more sun and warmth and seeing the blossoms already is making me really happy.

We were on a walk when the scent of these caused us to look around and find the tree. We would’ve missed it otherwise.

Spring also means getting ready for gardening. Sam just ordered a bunch of seeds; some are really fun and interesting ones. I’ll try to make a list of them all when we get them. My plan is to be more involved in gardening this year than I have in the past. I’m hoping for better weather, too.

For those not on twitter or facebook or my friend on facebook (sniff), I mentioned that I’m teaming up with Morrocco Method again for a giveaway. So if you missed out last time, you’ll have another chance in the next couple of weeks…Feb 29th to be exact.

Thanks for reading.



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