My Blog - New Look

Well, whaddya think? Okay, it's obviously in a state of chaos right now but I'm working on it. I like the new blog template overall but I'll tell ya what. Installing disqus back onto my blog is turning into a NIGHTMARE. Because this template is customized, it ain't no easy task. I have to figure out how to edit HTML and googling it isn't helping thus far. So I'm back to my old commenting system. Sniff. This makes me sad. I will figure out the disqus thing. I have before and I will again! I have to turn that frown upside down.

Here's a problem though: no comments on old posts. This shouldn't be a big deal but when you're in the middle of hosting a giveaway to me that's bad. I think what I will have to do is resubmit that blog entry as a new one in order for people to comment if they choose. Fingers crossed that works. If any of you submitted entries for the Kid Basix stainless steel sippy cup courtesy of, don't worry I still have your entries and they will still be counted I just can't get them to show up. Yet.

Sorry for the crazy land you have landed in while visiting my blog but I expect it to only be temporary. The poor woman who designed this template is probably sick of me and hand-holding was not what she signed up for. I like to think I'm smarter than this but think I officially have mommy-brain even though YS2 is nearly a year old. ACK!!

Please continue to bear with me. And if it works, I'll be reposting my giveaway shortly.


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