Let's Talk About PROTEIN!

Anyone who is a non-meat eater has most likely been asked the question “where do you get your protein?” I was once one of those individuals so I do not judge. It was only after embarking on the raw food lifestyle that I began to really know or learn about protein (okay, still learning).

Now I’m sure there were be plenty of people who will disagree or not fully agree with my post and maybe successfully argue for the other side or be content with the path they are on. I’m okay with this. Really. This post is more to point out that there are more ways than one in obtaining protein a body needs or hopefully help answer the question often asked.

We all know protein is found in animal-based diets.


But protein is also found in plant-based diets. And lots of it! In fact, every whole food contains protein. Click here to see a great chart comparing various foods by amount of protein or check out the big protein stars:

hemp seeds







And don’t forget FRUIT! Fruit can have lots o’protein too. Click here and see.

So again, not just limiting ourselves to the obvious but thinking of all whole foods. It becomes so easy to just say nuts and seeds because they are such quick, wonderful sources of protein. Now, you can say there’s a source everywhere.

Another interesting fact to point out is that you won’t get fat or are less likely to when consuming your protein through a plant-based diet. Typically, when consuming animal protein you’re also consuming cholesterol and fat. I do believe in fats, however the GOOD fats…but that’s a post for another day.

How do you know when you’re getting enough protein? Well, I’ve read various reports that could depend on your age, gender and even weight but looks like on average about 50 grams a day (+/-). I think the amount when consumed from plants primarily should be individually based – so whatever you discover that works best for you IMO. General consensus is that if you’re consuming enough calories you’re consuming enough protein.

Just a reminder that I’m not here to judge anyone who’d rather have a steak than a handful of nuts, however I will say that too much animal protein isn’t very good for you as it can eventually lead to a whole host of health problems. Here’s a quick read that talks about the advantages of a plant-based diet and being properly balanced.

Complete proteins vs. incomplete proteins. Animal-based diets have complete proteins, basically containing all the essential amino acids for dietary needs. Most plant-based foods are incomplete, although there are some that are complete. It was once said and widely spread that one on a plant-based diet needed to compensate their meals with other foods in order to make complete proteins. It has since been “retracted” – there is no need to worry or focus on combining foods. It’s all good.

Wondering about the various plant-based diets out there? I ran across an article authored by the lovely Mary Laredo, which gives an overview of them and also about protein. If you haven’t been to Mary’s blog before I strongly urge you to do so – her story is nothing short of inspiring and amazing.

Speaking of amazing, Kristen’s Raw has also written a wonderful article about protein and so much more. It has a lot of info but definitely worth the time and read. Probably should’ve directed you there first – ha ha. Ah, well.

I enjoyed doing this research – I just hope I was able to convey it in a not-so-convoluted way. I sometimes talk in circles. Gotta love me right? Anyway, I do hope this helped in answering the protein question. There’s a lot of info out there, which you should be able to tell by all the links I embedded! I included so many to give you a chance, if interested, to do further research yourself.


Anonymous said…
It's true protein is available in forms other than meat... and as with everything in life, each person to their own belief. I just don't personally believe we should cut meat from out diets :)
Leora said…
If you are eating all those nuts and legumes, Rosie, you are probably much healthier than the average meat eater!

I believe that we have different bodies, some of us are more herbivorous, some more carnivorous. I tend to think (based on studies that I'm not going to bother searching for) of a plant-based diet with a little bit of animal protein as being the ultimate, but I'm biased, because that's how I eat.

Great to read a post of yours. I keep thinking of posting about collard "sandwiches", one of my favorite lunch meals (you posted about this once). But the truth is I use cheese with my sweet onion and avocado.
shannonmarie said…
I couldn't have said it better myself. I love how you did your research and didn't knock anyone else's views. Good job :-)
Candice Davis said…
Great post! It's a question vegans and Raw vegans in particular will have to continue to answer, but that's cool. Everyone should choose how they eat, but they shouldn't choose to eat meat because they think they HAVE TO. Keep saying it and the message will spread.
Leora said…
Rosie, I wanted to respond with one more comment here instead on my blog.

I have in mind some relatives and some friends in their eighties who are extremely food conscious (some vegan, some vegan with a bit of fish, some meat eaters). All, as they get older, despite being so food conscious, have various health issues. However, they have relatives and friends who are dead. So we can't escape all the health issues with food, but we might be able to make it into our eighties this way.

And I get that the outside world criticizes. But that's true of anyone who takes a stand on anything. Good for you for "sticking to your guns" (anyone got a better expression?).

I love all your comments. You say everything respectfully.
RisibleGirl said…
Although I don't eat as much meat as our fam did growing up (and not nearly as much as BJ), I do like a good steak once or twice a week. Medium rare, please. And I absolutely love chicken grilled on the BBQ.

I guess I'm lucky in that we don't eat cheap cuts of meat here- so when I do eat meat, it's good. :)

My doc wants my protein intake to be at least 80 grams per day. I've found that I tend to lose weight better if I eat more protein, rather than less, so I usually get that through whey protein (if I don't plan on eating meat that day).

I agree that everyone should do what they feel is best for them and not judge others for how they eat. Well, unless they're cannibals. I'd probably judge. ;)
Charis said…
Good thing to address! You're such a great writer!
Michelle said…
Great post Heidi ho!!! It's really cool that you included all these links for us to do our own research!!

I am proud of the way you are eating and doing the raw fu!! I miss you!!

Have a great weekend my friend!!

Carol said…
Thanks Hiho!!! Loved the chart comparison. Might have to add that link to my blog. It's amazing to show that you don't need a ton of non animal foods to get the same amount of protein. It can be done!!!!!!!
Great post Heidi! I'm glad at least ONE of us is back to blogging. I hope to catch up this weekend sometime now that I have my taxes off to the accountant. Whew!
Pixy Lisa
Isle Dance said…
And all I can say: You are my new raw food dictionary! :o)
BeeARawFoodie said…
Brilliant. I love when people get nerdy about information. And heartfelt about honesty. The outside world... hmmm... why do we want their wrong knolwedge base to approve our decisions anyway? I think of Raw Foodies as people on the Oregon (or um, Washington!) trail, hard times, good times, but pioneers who ford a path for others to follow. Statistically more people stayed back East. History does not remember them. History remembers those that stuck to their guns and knew there was a better life to be found despite naysayers. Brilliant post. You are a lighthouse for many people looking for a new direction. Others are content in their safe boats to continually crash on the rocks of dis-ease and ignorance. I love that your post dealt with the #1 issue people confront me on: Protien. The marketing folks with billion dollars of campaign financing and heayweight bullying have convinced the consumer that protien is only found in animal products. And those of us who have asked questions and dug for information past what we are handed (why are we in a handbasket and why are we going so fast?) KNOW that animal based diets are not sustainable. And Gramma always said, "Its not what you say, honey, its what they see. People prefer results over speeches." You are writing RESULTS and you are leading by example. Personal Fireworks to celebrate this post & your journey!!!
Anonymous said…
MarijuanaMuscle.com hemp protein powder supports raw eating and athletes.
Thanks for the post.
sariqd said…
I like how you present your thoughts as "been there, done that" so, you're not just spouting off mumbo-jumbo. You're discovering how beautiful healthy living is and how sad it is that people don't understand what people are really putting into their bodies. However, with your picture as the intro, it's a turn-off. Meh. Was it needed? Not all people who ask "where do you get your protein" are fat ignoramases. Jmo...

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