HFCS is not your friend

Have any of you seen the commercials for high-fructose corn syrup? The ones claiming it's okay to consume in moderation because it's made from corn. My SIL and I were talking about this last night (I had yet to see the commercials) but when she told me what the message was I nearly fell over! What?! They're claiming HFCS is good for you? You're kidding right? Do we really look like suckers? The stuff is manufactured. It's refined sugar. It's not natural. It's poison.

Check out the commercials and brief info on the subject at Little Bird's blog.

What are your thoughts?


Isle Dance said…
I have not seen this, but OMGosh, that is not good. Thanks for pointing this out. Goodness.
Candice Davis said…
I felt ill when I saw that 1st HFCS commercial--seriously ill! Yeah, sure, lots of people know better, but most folks don't have the time or inclination to do their own research. They just may fall for this ridiculous campaign. Foo on those fake food producers!
I think it's downright criminal. Cigarettes are probably healthier and they banned commercials for that!
Kristen's Raw said…
I, too, fell over when I saw those from a mix of laughter, frustration, and downright hysteria! WTF?????
BeeARawFoodie said…
I've seen them. And I get mad at the TV. I think HFCS is scarier than Hannibal Lecter and the creepy Halloweentype movies combined. The HFCS people are in Spin Control Mode with this ad. Sadly, it will work on many of those who want to believe everything everyone says is bad is actually good for them. Scream! Run! The HFCS folks are happiest when the masses are in food comas. The masses are easier to manipulate when they are fat and numb. HFCS is "just" from corn, kinda like drowning is "just" from water.
Carol said…

Sorry to yell but I was shocked!! LOL
Leora said…
I just feel fortunate I wasn't born with a sweet tooth. But my kids...
bitt said…
former addict here! to any kind of sugar really. but this stuff used to make me really sick. i kept eating it anyhow. of course!

thanks for the info. makes me glad i don't have a TV. I will have to re-educate my students now.
Rebekah said…
Hi Rosie...Im back! :) I've finally posted something new...

Also, I just want to say, you look amazing! You totally motivate me.

By the way, I have seen these commercial and to ignorant, they could sound pretty convincing. But we know better, dont we :)

Sam said…
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yardsnacker said…
My thoughts are, I think you are cute...does that count? ;)
Anonymous said…
oh my goodness....will the lies never cease?
it is such a battle - especially with a hubby and three kids who check their facts by tv and wikipedia and not by real, verified information. Talk about a slippery slope! The dark side is winning!

On another note - I really missed you at RSF. You are definitely in my top list of super duper friends that I just havent met in person yet. You are fabulousity in my book (worthy of the creation of a new word!)

Charis said…
Ugh...that's dreadful. I'm NOT impressed...
badash said…
........are you serious!? there are COMMERCIALS about it? WHAT!!!

HFCS is EVIL. I believe it is the downfall of America!!!

That is the first step in my healthy ways. Even before I was vegan. Even before I was raw. I knew that it was terrible for you.

this is crazy
RisibleGirl said…
Yeah, but the little corn is cute!
Sadness in the pit of my stomach, madness behind my eyes at the media, and big companies that are taking WAY TOO MUCH OF OUR MONEY at the expense of our health. They don't care, as long as we stop worrying and get back in the boat with the rest of the uninformed and continue to eat all the (sshh) bad stuff and make them richer than even their dreams. I guess the few have 'rocked' the boat and they are afraid we are all gonna spill out and they won't be able to get us back in. And they are so clever to say 'in moderation'. they KNOW that this stuff, this frankenfood, is bad for us, and they know we know, so they can't come out and say it's perfectly good/healthy/safe for us. And btw, there is no way, if you are eating the SAD, that anyone is only getting a moderate amount of HFCS. It's in EVERYTHING! Can you tell you got me on a rambling, don't mess with me sort of day! LOL I'm glad I don't have regular TV so I haven't seen these commercials. (Luckily, I don't have to watch any commercials)

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