Toot Toot!

I have something to toot about, as in tooting my own horn. I have officially dropped two pant sizes. WOO HOO!

My current jeans were starting to fall down and looking very unflattering, like I had a saggy seat. I hate it when I have to fight my clothes either to keep them up or to untuck them from one of my rolls. Hee hee! Good fitting clothes are always flattering no matter what size and right now I have a lot of unflattering clothes so I was happy to have some jeans that fit.

An observation I’ve made recently is now that I’ve been losing weight I see MORE of my old size than before. I used to always have a really tough time finding my size in stores. Not sure what this means exactly; if it means there are more larger sizes available now or if it means now that I’ve shrunk a little I just notice my old size more. Like when you’re looking for that perfect black skirt and it’s nowhere to be found but as soon as you stop looking for it or no longer need it, it seems to be everywhere!

Anyway, I’m just enjoying the fact I’m a size I haven’t been in a long time. Wow, just typing that right now got me emotional. I’m just really happy.


Candice Davis said…
Congratulations! What a wonderful feeling of success--much deserved, as you did it for yourself!
Charis said…
Congratulations girl!!! I'm so happy for you!
Isle Dance said…
HiHoRosie said…
Thanks guys! Having support from you and many others only adds to the success and happiness I feel.

Hugs to you all!
Woo Hoo! Good for you! I'm right there with ya sis. My friend at work today told me I looked like an orphan in my clothes. She said they were bagging on me and she isn't used to seeing me like that. So I came home and tried on a pair of jeans that didn't fit last week, and I can actually WEAR them. Yowza!

I've been shopping quite a bit lately and the sizes are LARGER. Way more large sizes and like the new size 2 is the old size 6. It's madness. (Not that I'm near either of those sizes, but my friend is).

Pixy Lisa
melindapollard said…
Wow, that is so awesome!! I'm so happy for you!!:)

HiHoRosie said…
Thanks Lisa and Melinda! You two are great!
Anonymous said…
YEAH! I know this feeling! That lil carrot driving a bug is adorable-I'm such a girl:)
RisibleGirl said…
I can't wait to see you in your new jeans, hot stuff!

The picture at the top of your post makes me laugh. It's hilarious!

Congratulations. I believe you're now officially smaller than me, and I'm super happy for you!
Carrie Nicole said…
YAY!! Congratulations chica! That is such an awesome feeling! Love the pic on the post too, hilarious!
HiHoRosie said…
Thanks Lesley Anne, Sis and LolaBloom! Glad you liked the pic of the driving carrot. I thought it was really funny too.
Michelle said…
Hiya my friend! Definitely deserves a big woooohoooo! I also went down a size or two and it feels amazing except when i am wearing my bigger jeans and i don't realize they are literally falling almost past my ass!!! :O)
HiHoRosie said…
thanks Michelle - and yes, I have a pair of those pants too. Waaay too big! In fact, one time my fly was undone and didn't know it bc I had put them on like pull up pants (so big I don't need to unbutton/zip them ever), fortunately you couldn't see anything but the woman who alerted me to the fact had a heck of a time getting my attention in the first place. Anyway, I think we both need to get rid of our pants that are humongous!
Anonymous said…
It's a good feeling. Congratulations. I know...aren't those dresses fab? :)
Rebekah said…
Hey! Thats AWESOME! I knwo the feelings...FAT is not where it is at! Whoever spread that rumor was a big liar! :)

P.S.Where has Michael been? Tell him we need a new post already! :)

yardsnacker said…
Hey where did u go? :*(
Sherri said…
I popped over here to see what you have been up to and have to say that I am so proud of you. It just makes you feel soo much better doesn't it? I have to get back on mine soon....not sure I can do the raw thing but definitely need to make better choices. Hope I do as good as you are. Keep it up...Great Job!
HiHoRosie said…
Sorry Yardsnacker - I have finally posted! Been busy! ;)

Thanks for your kind words Silver Bell, Rebekah and Sherri. It is motivating to get on that scale now. Er, I mean it's not so scary anyway!

Thank you all! Mwah!
Bunny Berry said…
That's awesome! I can't wait to be able to say I dropped 2 pants sizes. You rock!
HiHoRosie said…
Thanks Bunny! You ROCK too! :)

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